(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

is it just me or shouldn't Born of the gods been converted to standard yet? I like deckbox and I mean really like deckbox, where is my standard decks that I want to search with born of the gods card's in it?

yea i think they just fixed it seems like the gatecrash coming into the mix might of set them back a little bit but yep M13 BACK TO STANDARD lol at least until october lol im sure it will be fine

prey upon doesn't say legal for standard either

well I just searched standard cards and not one had m13 on it all of them are return from ravnica innistrad dark ascention  gatecrash and Avacyn Restored thats it so how do I contact these guys at deckbox? so they can fix their error.

I have been in with magic for a while and I visited the wizard website because its posted on deckbox that M13 isnt standard or at least deckbox doesnt say it is when the wizard's website says as plain as day on 2/1/2013 that M13 is standard I just want to see if you guys can fix this or not? Either that or let me know if M13 really isn't standard anymore.


(8 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I have been looking at the set's for m13 and I am wondering why they all say they are not standard because as far as I know m13 is in standard so why is it not saying standard?