I have a number of cards on your wishlist, provided its accurate I'd be willing to make some kind of deal (only have a stomping ground GTC for trade ATM, in terms of shocks though.)

Title says it all, can look through my trade list but looking for some combination of the above. All my cards are M/NM, looking for some other stuff too!


(0 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

This is a legacy deck I've been thinking about since I saw guttersnipe in RtR (since guttersnipe's ability isn't adding anything to the spell, and it doesn't matter whether or not the spell actually resolves, just the on cast.) I felt he was a little strong since he doesn't require the casted spell to resolve, however, I leave myself open to things like detention sphere.


I've spent a bit of time procuring the cards to make this a possibility, and was wondering if I could improve this a bit?

Notes: It's fairly easy to set up my guttersnipes, however, I have a hard time countering straight removal and temporary removal. Should I put in cheap counters for noncreature spells like Spell Pierce?

Sideboard is really just cards I couldn't fit in, but wanted to (kicked rites = 6 guttersnipes, kicked again = 11, cast anything again = 2 + 12 + 22 damage which, if I can manage to protect my snipes and rites, would be very difficult to deal with.)

Really just looking for suggestions on how to better set up a combo like that or if it would be worth working around rites like that?