I don't have much, but maybe someone can work something out. smile  Let me know if there are cards that you need, but don't add up to the value. I can maybe throw in some paypal to make up the difference.

I would like 2 of the rootbound crags. I'll send you a message.


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I just updated a few cards (wishlist and inventory).

I'm looking for a few things...mostly RTR or GTC shocks.

If you are interested, just send me a trade. Thanks. smile

rancor is great for trample. only costs G and it comes back to your hand, eliminating the 2 for 1 drawback most auras bring.

Gyre sage is amazing. Get four if you can. I was really hesitant about this until I play tested a deck using her.

Another suggestion is ooze flux. If you have a raptor and a sage out (with one counter each), you can remove the two counters for 1G and they come right back (and you get a 2/2 chump blocker). Primordial hydra with 18 counters getting killed? remove them and make an 18/18 in its place.

The thing you want to remember about evolve is the P/T synergy as well. It seems like you have that. Just playtest it and get a  feel for which creatures fit, and which need to be sideboarded.


(0 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I just updated my deckbox (removed my commons and added only uncommon/rare). I don't have much inventory, but I want to sell what I can.  I want to see if I can get some of my money back from the box i just purchased (to buy another or buy singles for my FNM deck (which went 4-2 yesterday!!!!)).

Thank you.


(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Thank you very much for the link, and for the future reference.

I see two win scenarios in my deck. The hydra getting 10+ counters, then trampling over the enemy or the raptors killing them from the sky.

The rapid hybridization can be used on my geists to get two counters on a fresh raptor, or a flying opponent to clear the skies. The guildmages are there to get the counters off the geists and to get some card advantage. The Master biomancer can my make later raptors/experiments big when they enter. Zegana is another card advantage, and a pretty large creature herself. Burst of strength and bioshift are there for combat tricks.

I don't have all of the things I particularity want for the deck (only 3 harbors, only 1 breeding pool the most glaring examples), but I think the overall idea is there.

Any thoughts?


(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I have a deck that I am working on. Can you guys tell me what the weaknesses are and how to fix them? I would really like to start playing at FNM (non drafts) with a decent deck.


The deck is in my profile -- I don't know how to link it.


(3 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I know I don't have too much. If anyone wants to buy the lot, please let me know. smile


(3 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I am interesting in possibly selling my inventory. Realistically, how much do you think I could get for it? The average price shows $208, but I'm thinking 1/4 of that is more likely the case, right?


One note about one card. The Garruk is the X-box version promo card. It wasn't an option to select.

Do you have more cards that what is in your inventory? Sometimes people don't put their commons in. If so, do you have anything in my wishlist? I'm looking for some commons/uncommons and I could pay using paypal for the right price. smile

If you give me a really good price, I can do paypal too, just let me know. smile


I want to get the dual lands for my simic deck. I have a lot of Orzhov rares, plus a few others. I don't have many cards, but some  that people may want I hope.

Oh, good call frankenskid. Looks like boosters are out of the picture then.

I have two obzedats and some other orzhov cards. Send me a trade and I'll check it out. I am going to try to get some trades done tongiht at FNM, so I'm not sure if I will have everything tomorrow. Just a warning tongue

Can you sell boosters here? Like...put them in your inventory and people can trade for them and stuff?


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Is there a way, when browsing someones trade inventory, to sort only the cards in your Want list? This would be an awesome feature.


(3 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Do I have to put my profile in the message or does it to that automatically? [mtg][/mtg]


(3 replies, posted in Trading Post)

First post. I just updated my wishlist. I also have my ENTIRE inventory listed. Not just the rares. (I don't have many cards, lol).
I'm looking for awesome simic upgrades.