(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Nighthawk wrote:

If you pull up a card's page, where it says "in inventory" you can click on that and change to "in wishlist".  Not very intuitive, but it works.

Thanks for the tip!


(13 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

These are all features I would like to see. Maybe give an option on when to remove cards, upon confirm or upon shipping

Also, a search or match-maker function would be awesome


(7 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I'm interested in :

2 sol ring
1 craterhoof behemoth
2 journeyer's kite

My tradelist is in my sig, start a trade if you're interested in the Innistrad lands


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I would like this feature also. Or maybe a button in each deck that takes the cards off your tradelist


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Gillissie wrote:

There is already a way to mark your cards as foil, then you can also search on foil if you only want to see what cards you have in foil.

Maybe I wasn't clear. But I wanted to mark cards in a deck as foil. This could be especially useful when trying to foil out decks.


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

(This might not be the right place for this post.) I'm new to using this site, and I found a couple areas of possible improvement that would make this site much more useful. Also, if any of these features are already implemented, could someone please describe how to accomplish them?

Add copy of deck to Inventory
This is very useful since I enter cards from my binder into my inventory at a different time than my decks. It would also prevent entering cards twice.

Add foil/set options in deckbuilding
Would be useful to keep track of what cards I have in foil, so I know what other ones I should trade for. It would also be able to more accurately be used to see what cards I don't have for a deck yet since it can compare sets to my inventory (or have the option to ignore sets.)

Add missing cards in deck to Wishlist
Have a button to automatically add all cards in one deck that I don't own to my Wishlist. Allows me to deckbuild constantly and allow my Wishlist to be updated so other users know what cards I need.


(5 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I just joined the site tonight. Updated most of my inventory, but still need to work on my Wishlist. Browse my inventory, let me know what you're interested in trading for, and I'll look at your Inventory.