well then its perfect and exactly what im missing. then I can get rid of all the vivid lands. good looks man

I really like the cavern of souls, but how does it take with reflecting pool?


(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I edited it a little bit, took out some shit and put kederekt parasite and Jarad in for some sacrificial purposes. and lotus vale isn't a basic land so that wouldn't work


(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

hahaha thanks. Those are actually very useful ideas, Fistborn is perfect, kinda pissed I didn't see him seeing as I just ordered cards. I like manamorphose a lot too. thanks much

yea the door is just a possible fall back, trust me I don't rely on it haha. But with the right hand, I can get it out on turn three, and kill you with it turn five. I did have crystalline sliver in there but it ended up hindering me with magma sliver. I would like the queen or the legion, preferably the legion, but I have yet to buy either seeing as its thirty bucks a cards haha. Might sliver in my opinion, costs to much, why use five mana on one sliver when I have five other slivers giving me +1+1. I could get two out before him and have it be cheaper. I don't know what dual lands I should throw in, im just obsessed with ancient ziggurat + Reflecting Pool + meteor crater. wouldn't mind getting ride of the Vivids seeing as I hate lands that I cant use first turn. Thanks for the advice!


(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

The point of this deck is obviously to make my creatures as big as and as fast as I possibly can. the land is a little tricky and im not sure how well its going to work, I haven't had a chance to play with this deck seeing as I just made it today. any advice?

I know slivers are old news, but im relatively new and trying to perfect my deck. The deck currently shows all cards that I own, just looking for some input and opinions on my take of it. Go to my profile to check it out and leave a comment, thanks much