Hello Im interested in the Mox's. Only cards I have that are on your wish list are angel of serenity and Yosai. I have a bunch of cards that arnt in my inventory like Yosai. Never got around to adding them all. tongue If theres anything else you're looking for let me know. I have a kresh edh deck, with some cards that might interest you. tongue Not a big edh player so its probably janky in edh terms. Let me know if interested.


I have a playset of Hellriders and charms for trade. Theres not much I want in your trades folder so would you be willing to trade out of your inventory?


(9 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I don't even know you and I'm new to this site.....but seeing you leave makes me sad.

I wish you the best of luck in your travels Planeswalker!