is false too
2 2011-10-26 04:42:35
Re: Database and card scans STATUS (230 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)
Do you know when The Inevitable City will be added in?
No one have the scan of the cards ?
3 2011-06-26 07:01:36
Re: Database and card scans STATUS (230 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)
Thanks Sebi
Bladewind (Legends (# 42) ) has a cost of 1 and have report a cost of 2
4 2011-05-03 19:43:56
Re: The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game (4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
No news ? I wish that is possible because Deckbox is very usefull
5 2011-04-05 15:40:55
Re: Database and card scans STATUS (230 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)
I can't add chaos moon to my inventory !?
Sebi doesn't had to the database yet. Patience is the mother of all virtues.
6 2011-04-04 18:43:57
Re: Database and card scans STATUS (230 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)
where is chaos moon?
Explicit in Reply #12
7 2011-02-28 08:34:10
Re: SPOILER Omens of Ruin - thx to Wytefang (2 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)
6. Steam Tank, Empire Unit, 4R, 3E - "War Machine. This unit gains 1P for each resource token on it. ACTION: At the beginning of your turn, put a resource token on this unit."
7HP missing
8 2011-02-02 07:58:08
Re: Database and card scans STATUS (230 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)
And Bleeding Sun doesn't have the cards scanned too.
9 2011-01-31 14:16:15
Re: Database and card scans STATUS (230 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)
No one have scan the cards ?
10 2010-11-22 12:57:55
Re: Database and card scans STATUS (230 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)
The rule text on Withering Hex image card is wrong :
Attach to a target Building support card. Attached support card loses 1P.
In attachments the good image
11 2010-11-18 08:22:34
Re: Database and card scans STATUS (230 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)
The card pictures for The Fourth Waystone
12 2010-11-17 20:07:48
Re: Database and card scans STATUS (230 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)
The name and text of The Fourth Waystone :
13 2010-11-05 19:11:41
Re: Database and card scans STATUS (230 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)
so when the images will be imported please ?
14 2010-10-29 19:32:39
Re: Database and card scans STATUS (230 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)
@Lilian - finally:
15 2010-10-28 16:59:45
Re: Database and card scans STATUS (230 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)
no news ?
16 2010-10-21 05:58:01
Re: Database and card scans STATUS (230 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)
The name and text of Redemption of a Mage :
17 2010-10-14 06:15:48
Topic: [Bug] Marched of the Damned image (1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
The image are wrong in 5 cases :
Wight Lord have Spirit host image
Countess Iseara have Wight Lord image
Spirit host have Drowned Zombie image
Drowned Zombie have Enraged Varghulf image
Enraged Varghulf have Countess Iseara image
18 2010-10-13 09:17:22
Re: Database and card scans STATUS (230 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)
Thanks for the scanned cards
They aren't visible yet...
19 2010-10-02 19:10:26
Re: Database and card scans STATUS (230 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)
Many thanks
20 2010-09-30 07:41:46
Re: Database and card scans STATUS (230 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)
Can you import the March of the Damned
21 2010-08-13 06:00:08
Topic: [Feature Request] Tradelist filter (1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Is it possible to have a filter to see only the traders of his country ?
22 2010-08-10 08:14:21
Topic: The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game (4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Do you planning to integrate The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game in deckbox ?
23 2010-07-28 12:56:47
Re: [Bug - Warhammer Invasion] Trait List (2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Scout is not a keyword but a capacity
But the keyword Cavalry appear twice... so it's a bug
24 2010-06-25 08:18:01
Re: Database and card scans STATUS (230 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)
Juste received my Arcane Fire BP. Will scan the cards this week-end.
25 2010-06-17 08:31:57
Re: Database and card scans STATUS (230 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)
How about your cards in french?
I don't know if people want french card on a english site but if it doesn't matter, I scan the cards this evening.