

(1 replies, posted in Foil Traders)

Your wishlist is staggering. LOL.

Kinda interested in the Fracturing Gust. I'll hit you up.

Damn! I was hoping we could use Google translate or something. LOL. (Please don't take offense, I'm just messing around.)

Is it still in Portugese?

I am interested.


(1 replies, posted in Foil Traders)

I'm kinda interested,  would you take a regular version as part of the trade towards it? Check my tradelist,  see if anything jumps out at you.

You have any Noble Hierarchs?

Looking through your Wishlist, I could most likely get there. I live in the U.S. though. I sent a card to the UK on Pucatrade, and it only cost $1.15 (US) using an International Forever Stamp. No import duty or anything like that. The only hang up I have, is that you only have 6 feedback, so I would ask you to send first especially on such a high dollar trade.....I don't know. Why don't you send me a message through my Profile and we can discuss.


A friend and I are each looking to get a full set of the Guild tokens that came in the Dragon's Maze Prerelease packs. Not really sure what they're valued at and Deckbox doesn't list them, so if you have any just open a trade with me and let me know what you have in the chat box. I'm sure we can come to a deal.


Looking to trade for:
2x Noble Hierarch
2x Voice of Resurgence
1x Path to Exile (any set is fine, the foil promo would be cool.)
1x Kitchen Finks FNM Promo
3x Gavony Twp
X Foil Birds of Paradise (newer art pack foils or promo. Not a necessity, just cuz.)

Foils are always a welcome offer. The Hierarchs might be a bit out of reach foiled, unless you wanna trade down.

Check out my Tradelist and Inventory (no guarantees on inventory items.)



(3 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Your tradelist is empty. Or I'm doing it wrong.

Yeah, I just came on to post and realized that. I'm retarded.

Hey everyone. I'm looking to trade for some cards to make an Abzan Liege Deck.

Looking for:
2x Noble Hierarch
2-3x Voice of Resurgance
1x FOIL Loxodon Smiter

My Tradelist

Any interest in trading your Chalice of the Void?

No problem.

I have 2x Voice, 1x Abrupt Decay, 2x Inquisition (Modern Event Deck.) I'm going to message you now with further details.


(0 replies, posted in Foil Traders)

I'm working on getting one of each Shockland in foil, but I really want to get the Breeding Pool ASAP. I'm making a Momir Vig EDH deck and I have some of the other cooler looking Simic Cards foiled (Signet, Guildgate, Growth Chamber) so I want to complete it. Will possibly trade inventory cards to get it.


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

That is awesome! Thank you! I really appreciate you taking the time just to listen to my suggestion, let alone making strides to make it happen.
I guess that's just part of what makes this site so great.

Thanks again,



(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I have an idea for the site based on a slight problem that arises for me from time to time. Would it be possible to include a column in the completed trades section that indicates whether or not you've left feedback for your trade partner? I'm generally pretty diligent about leaving feedback for people I trade with, as feedback is what makes trust between people who've never met a bit easier. In fact, when I receive cards first I always ask my trade partner to "send me a message when you receive yours so I don't forget to leave you feedback." However, this doesn't always happen and sometimes I miss one on accident. I've gotten messages 2-3 weeks later asking that I leave feedback. Lately, I've just been clicking on all my recent trades to double check, but that gets to be a pain when a lot come through at once.

So, if possible, an added column with the heading "Feedback Left" or something of that nature, and a check mark for when feedback is left would be great. I'd like to see if other people think this would be a good idea as well.

Thanks in advance for reading.


(2 replies, posted in Foil Traders)

Is there anything in particular you're looking for? I don't think there is even enough stuff on your Wishlist to add up to the Grand Master promo. LOL.

Hey, I have 2 pack fresh M15 Tormod's Crypt's (foil), Blood Moon, and a 7th ed Ensnaring Bridge. Would you be willing to trade from your Inventory for the bigger stuff? Your tradelist would force me to trade down. Start a trade with me if you're interested. Thanks.


(6 replies, posted in Foil Traders)

Still looking for a foil Gideon Jura?


(6 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I understand that its the holiday season and volume is up, but like Helios said, I've been having these issues since October. For myself its been on both sides. I was a day or two away from resending $50 worth of cards because there was never even an acceptance scan at my local post office. I received his cards in a timely fashion, so if I was in his position I would've thought that the person I was trading with just created a shipping label and never sent anything to give the illusion that it was "lost in the mail." Luckily I got a message from him (10-12 days after shipping) that the package had arrived. I take trading seriously. When I agree to send someone something I'm giving them my word that the items will get sent. This nonsense  is making countless honest, reliable traders like myself look bad and its not right. I can understand the  holiday volume slowing things down a bit, but the items not being scanned at various checkpoints is just unacceptable. We pay good money for this service and I just don't understand how its so difficult to scan these things when they arrive/leave. If it happened once I could understand, but its all the time with me and it sounds like I'm not alone.


(6 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Has anyone else been having issues with USPS Tracking. Specifically, it will just say "Arrived/Accepted at Origin facility" for days (up to 10 in some cases.) Then all of a sudden it will just show up. I did a recent trade with someone based out of Ft. Myers, Fl. I live in the Detroit area of Michigan. He shipped the package on Dec. 1. On Dec. 3 Tracking said it arrived at the USPS facility in Denver, Colorado. Then absolutely nothing until today when it arrived in Pontiac, Mi (a larger city about 30-45 min Northwest of Detroit) and left Pontiac. It never said it was delivered. Never had any other scans along the way.

The whole point of tracking (to me at least) is to see where your package is at various points in time and give you the peace of mind that it is on the right track. Not to mention receive confirmation that the package made it to its destination.

If this was an isolated incident I wouldn't have a problem; but this has happened on like 3-4 trades in the last couple weeks. I was just curious if anyone else has had the same type of issues and if you've spoken to anyone at The Postal service about it. I tried calling the help line yesterday and gave up after an hour of not being able to get a human on the phone.

Any info would be appreciated. Thanks!