(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Kammikaze wrote:

I wholeheartedly agree with Jack.

- Set names are too small. I often am looking for a specific printing and it is now harder to find the right one.
- Waaaay too much white space everywhere
- Pages are unnecessarily longer because of the extra white space
- Information is harder to find in general. # of sellers is nice to see, now it's at the bottom.
- Imo, the # available should be larger font, but that's not a big deal.
- On individual card pages:   

  • - the prices were moved to the bottom. This seems counter-intuitive for a market site. Below the price history and      "customers also bought" line?! Really?

  • - More white space

  - Optimizer:

  • - Too much white space

  • - Known issue(s)

He already hit some of the main issues.  I liked it the way it was before.  I'm with the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" crowd.  It's completely terrible trying to use it in the current state (especially with a laptop).  It would be nice to have the old tcg as an option as you work with a new layout.  If you just try to force new things on people, it's going to end up costing you money.  I was going to order about $40 in cards, but trying to find different sellers became a chore.  Optimize still doesn't work correctly.  It keeps adding sellers where I don't have $1 worth of cards, or it makes my checkout more than how I had it.


(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)

TCGplayer site is completely redone.


(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Is it just me, or does the new TCGplayer layout make it much harder to buy cards?  Completely over-hauled for the worse. SMH

Looks like he traded them off of Cowabunga2.  Cowabunga2 got them from hacking the game, or from someone who's hacked or by some other illicit means.  He would have given you a code for a $5 card.  You got swindled.  Especially since no stores (least none in my area) even have them anymore.  No stores had steam ones after the second day because of the stupid hack shit.

But good luck trading them!

Cowabunga2 wrote:

I can give a profile ID to print the code directly from the wizard page...

You input the information and print it DIRECTLY from wizard.

If you don't want to trade with me, DONT, but there is nothing wrong with what I am doing.

You still haven't said how you acquired them.  I guess it takes time to come up with a good lie lol.   I went ahead and forwarded this forum post to wizards via http://wizards.custhelp.com/app/answers … a_id/1236/

Sorry to the mods to involve deckbox, but I don't think this type of thing should continue.

Mirage08 wrote:

Ya, he said I can wait to see if it works first then follow through with the trade. So I'm cool with it.

It will work, it's just randomly generated code.

You notice how he won't respond back here to his own forum post as to how he aquired them.  I'm surprised the mods are letting this fly.

You think it's legit, contact Wizards. Give them the code and they'll tell you what's up.

Cowabunga2 wrote:
Mirage08 wrote:

Are we sure this guy is a scammer? Because he's sent me a trade too (which I accepted, but didn't give my address yet. Does that mean I can still cancel if so?) I mean if it works I'm cool with it, I just don't wanna get had.

Well being as you already accepted and received the codes... i sure hope you dont cancel the trade smile

It's not a scam exactly against you, but against Wizards.  The people doing this didn't aquire the codes legally by purchasing the game.  Some people on eBay have thousands of codes and are selling them for like $3-4 each.  One seller told me he would sell me any number I wanted at $2 each if i bought more than 20.  Most card shops are wise to it now and only let you redeem one code (if they even have any promo packs left.)

Cowabunga2 wrote:


I am looking for Scavenging Ooze foil promo in different languages.

I will give you 4 profile ID's to print 4 codes. I have many steam and only a few Android / Ipad (6- Android / 6- iPad). You can redeem these codes in the stores listed here: http://www.wizards.com/magic/tcg/events … yertoolkit (in whichever language you can get it in).

Then you keep 2 for yourself and send 2 to me! We both win!

I am mostly interested in German, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese although open to other languages as well.

Since you cant open a trade with me feel free to reply here or email me taylorsbordone@gmail


Uh huh, I'm guessing you're related to some sort of Nigerian Prince? Perhaps you need someone to wire you money after?  Good luck with with stolen/hacked codes.  Wizards dropped the ball yet again.