(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

This is great to hear! Keep up the awesome work.


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

First, need to say how much I like this site. A lot of excellent work has been and is being done: thank you!

Second, two thoughts:
1) it would be really nice to be able to create decks and folders directly from the mobile version of the site (rather than having to switch to the desktop version, create the deck, and then switch back).

2) it would also be nice to be able to access the deck tags, the curve and pie chart information, and the statistics/sample hand page from the mobile version.

Are there any plans to expand mobile functionality this way?

Love these updates! The tags and graphs are great, and the ability to specify a commander is really nice.

However, if I specify a commander and remove that creature from the actual deck, it now says my deck is incomplete. Can we change the setting so that EDH decks are complete at 99 cards when a commander is specified?

Thanks for all you do!

sebi wrote:

Updates for 15 Jan:

- fixed issue with dropdown arrows in decks
- fixed issue with trade dispute page not showing for some users

- imported Fate Reforged:
- imported Sultai Charm promo
- imported promo Stealer of Secrets
  http://deckbox.org/mtg/Stealer%20of%20S … ting=27203

This is wonderful, thank you!

Fueled wrote:

It seems the arrow button to move cards from main to sideboard isn't working anymore. Clicking on it simply selects the row.
Could reproduce in Firefox and Chrome.


I am experiencing an identical error on Chrome and Safari.  Please help!


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)


I'd echo words of praise for the site: my relatively large collection is much, much, easier to manage on the site as far as deckbuilding goes. Thanks for this site!

I'd also like to echo point 2) here: selecting and moving multiple cards simultaneously from/to maindeck to/from sideboard would make things so much easier!

Thanks again!