Yup, outdated indeed. Apparently some people do still come here.
2 2014-08-08 20:12:11
Re: Invitationals (7 replies, posted in Just The Tip)
Easy big guy......I let it go and so should you. But notice how many event I have had since.
All the more reason to be angry. He ruined it for me! He took something away from me and now he must suffer! Who was it, name the infidel!
3 2014-08-08 19:08:45
Re: Invitationals (7 replies, posted in Just The Tip)
I gave a way a time walk at one event and the guy says. "This is not even close to mint". I gave it to him with a smile and have never spoken to him since.
This right here is why I've been so adamantly against adding randoms to our games just to get numbers and why I didn't play in any of the "team" events that had open casting calls.
I remember the last Meeks tourney I went to where I found myself cleaning up after people because they were messy pigs and left their garbage behind. I was so angry that these floor turds had the nerve to show up to a free event, get free food, and then treat the place like crap.
Dicks like "non mint" guy ruin it for everyone. It's unfortunate but we as human beings tend to focus on the negative. If 19 people are having a blast but 1 guy is douching it up then it ruins the event for everyone. I say we find "non mint guy" and each take turns punching him in the stomach. Oh so much rage! Why must I be so full of hate! Rargh!
4 2014-07-22 16:17:58
Re: Alphastrike Invitational - Schedule and Information (12 replies, posted in Just The Tip)
It's actually a pretty fun way to play in large group games. Sets up some really sudden swings and odd scenarios. The one thing that is crappy about it is if you get someone playing combo who just hides in his corner and then suddenly wins. I'm looking at you Bill and Alex.
5 2014-07-21 20:58:11
Re: Alphastrike Invitational - Schedule and Information (12 replies, posted in Just The Tip)
I'll do my best to make Tuesday work.
When the wife is away, the mechanics will play? Trike party at my place?
6 2014-07-21 17:52:30
Re: Alphastrike Invitational - Schedule and Information (12 replies, posted in Just The Tip)
On a more serious note, can we confirm a time frame?
I'm making my yearly trip to ABU tonight so I'll do my best to nail down a pauper edh deck and have it ready to go.
What's the (seemingly) sudden rise of pauper EDH? We have barely played EDH lately and now I've heard pauper EDH mentioned 2 or 3 times in one night and it's an invitational format. Is this the new thing all the cool kids are doing?
Side note, my first EDH deck, after the Great Unsleeving, should be finished tonight. New sleeves, new cards, new general. I'm looking forward to playing it. Hint hint, we need some EDH games to happen soon. Anyone got time for a midweek magic gathering?
7 2014-07-21 17:42:45
Re: Alphastrike Invitational - Schedule and Information (12 replies, posted in Just The Tip)
#1 - Traditional Multiplayer, in regards to Elder Dragon Highlander, uses rule 803
Sure, sure, rule 803, but which subsection!
8 2014-07-21 15:34:35
Re: Alphastrike Invitational - Schedule and Information (12 replies, posted in Just The Tip)
What about something that manipulates all players?
Yes, If only Alex would have given us a clue as to how that would work. One of life's great mysteries I suppose.
spells can only affect up to 2 people to the left or right of you.