Looking for cards to build a maze's end deck. Stuff like Supreme verdict, riot control, aetherize, maze's end, possibly guildgates and etc.. Take a look at my trade list and start a trade! Thanks! ^_^

I'm looking for stuff like advent of the wurm, armada wurm, loxodon smiter, and voice of ressurgence. I have the foil promo oozes, battle drivers, bone scythes slivers and other cards for trade. So take a look big_smile

Still looking for those smiters if anyone wants to trade them! big_smile


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

It's in the database. Just type in Goblin S and it will give you some options with goblin s.w.a.t team being the first. Here's the link to the card on deckbox. http://deckbox.org/mtg/Goblin%20S.W.A.T.%20Team     Hope this helps!

I'm looking for 3 loxodon smiters and 2 burning earths. Also looking for Selesnya stuff like armada wurms, advent of the wurm etc.. I have Promo foil scavenging oozes, ogre battle drivers and bonescythe slivers among other things for trade.


(0 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I am looking to get into standard, so I need some shock lands. Take a look at my tradelist, I have stuff like Kalonian and Thune for sale/trade. I can do local for Houston and Austin. Thanks!