(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Ok thanks


(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I havent really played commander before and just started getting into it.


(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)

A friend and i was talking about commander. We didnt know is this was possible but well just say it is. If you give your commander undying. When he would leave the graveyard by being destroyed would he stay with a 1/1 counter or go back to the commander zone? I say back to the commander zone he thinks it gets a counter. Which is correct?


(1 replies, posted in World of Warcraft)


I have:
2 Kiora
2 True-Name Nemisis
1 Ajani, Mentor of Heroes

Polluted Delta (Khans)

I have around 1300 mtgo cards I last played around lorwyn. I will put a list up later. I know I have a lorwyn thoughtseize and an akroma angel of wrath. I can't remember the rest. I can send you a list. Looking for stuff in my trade list.


(1 replies, posted in World of Warcraft)

I have a scourge playmat I am wanting to trade for another playmat. either mtg or something different. I had this playmat since it came out. I haven't used it (since I don't play Wow. If you have anything let me know thanks. Attached is a pic of the playmat. It is in great shape (never used to play on, just rolled up and stored away.

Thanks for looking

2013 pre-con deck "Power Hungry". I like the basis of the deck but never played a commander/EDH game. What are some ways to make this deck better without spending a lot of money. I just got back into playing magic not too long ago.

here's the link to it on my decks


(2 replies, posted in World of Warcraft)



(3 replies, posted in World of Warcraft)

I have the black temple.


(1 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

The guestion is in the description of the deck @ http://deckbox.org/sets/465930 I try having fun re-working pre-con decks. I seen this one and wanted to see how other people would change it.


(2 replies, posted in World of Warcraft)

Also, If you live in Ohio, we can set up and meet somewhere if that works for you.


(2 replies, posted in World of Warcraft)

I have most (95%) of my rares/uncommons etc listed on my profile I also have over 570 commons and some others of wow I am wanting to trade for Magic cards. Just let me know what you offer. I just got back into magic and prefer standard but i am also a collector and looking for just about anything.


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Ok thanks.


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Hi, I am new here and just got back into playing magic. I have a rules question. If I have Guttersnipe in play and then I play Turn/Burn (paying both sides of the card) does Guttersnipe deal 2 damage or 4? thanks