No, sorry. Its a r/b sneak deck

Just added it to muh tradelist, still have a small wishlist too but mainly looking to sell smile


(3 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)

Only the tradelist is for sale, sorry hmm


(3 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)

All prices set at 75% of tcg mid!!


(3 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)

Don't have a whooole lot and am just really looking to get rid of my cards. I wouldn't mind just selling everything at once so please feel free to make an offer!! Thanks for looking smile


Have an all elf deck for sale here, Thanks!!


(389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Dragonskull summit foils

Hey guys, looking to get my hands on a damnation promo, urborg and/or a scroll rack. I have a few snappys along with some other good stuff...

Sorry if this has already been brought but I am sorta of new to this site and while the majority of the time people are open and receptive to new trade proposals it seems that some people are almost offended that you want their cards. Now I am not that guy who is gunna call anybody out specifically but I can't be the only this bothers, if you don't want to trade your cards then you probably shouldn't have them listed for trade on a tcg website.. ijs. Guess I could just be beating a dead horse but it irks me to end, ok I'm done now tongue

Hello? Is this thing on? Hello?

Hey y'all, looking to finish foiling out my decks and I have some goodies for trade smile


(0 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Hey guys smile new to the site and hoping to make some trades. I am really just trying to foil out my decks so my wants are very specific but hopefully we can work something out. Since I'm new I understand I'll be sending first... looking forward to trading, thanks!!