Solseek wrote:
sebi wrote:

I'm not quite sure what to do about un-sets and acorn card format legality in commander. Would adding a second format, "Un-Commander" or something make sense? Or just allow the "un" legendary creatures to be selected as commander, even if then the deck is marked as "not legal" commander?

What about calling that section "Rule 0 Commanders"? Commanders like Lutri, the Spellchaser or Discord, Lord of Disharmony could fit in there, even if they're not technically from "Un" sets.

I like this solution, better to capture more than just the un-commanders.

I still can't seem to find one of the big-box store promos as an option on its card, Headless Rider.

Additionally, could you update the select commander field on decks to allow you to enter any legendary creature? Personally, I have several un-commander decks, and am building a few more. While my existing illegal commanders ported into the new field setup just fine (e.g. Acornelia), I can't add the commander to the new un-decks I'm building (e.g. "Brims" Barone). Thanks!

Yay! Thank you so much for the quick fix on Gargos. smile


(11 replies, posted in Announcements)

Oh, and a small thing I've been meaning to inquire about: can we get the Lathliss media promo added?


(11 replies, posted in Announcements)

For collecting purposes, I totally want to catalogue my double-sided tokens accurately (i.e. as the exact double-sided versions they are).

But I also think it's good to have a list function in parallel that allows you to note which side you're actually using in a given situation. Maybe that's something best handled in the deckbuilding side of the site. I currently use the sideboard and scratchpad functions to capture elements like tokens and contraptions. What if, when adding a token to one of these sections, you allowed the user to select which side of the token is being used in the given? You could also add a separate section alongside sideboard and scratchpad specifically for tokens.

This would also be able to handle a situation like reezel's: you just create a deck called "tokens master" or some such, and add all your tokens to it, noting which side of each double-sided you're using.

It sounds similar to buggy behavior I just reported near the end of last week. Here's what I've been seeing.

1. In Listing view mode for a deck, when I save a custom edition setting for a card, it goes back to displaying the default of whichever Pricing mode I've selected (i.e. either "Last Main Printing" or "Default").
2. When I go in to edit a custom edition, while in editing mode for that card, it shows whichever edition I had last saved as custom, but always reverts as per item 1 when I click save.
3. When I switch to Spoiler view mode, it will show whichever custom edition I had last saved (even though it isn't showing it in Listing view mode).
4. When I go into my inventory, I will see a count of "0" for any card edition I have assigned as a custom edition, instead of counting the number I have assigned of that edition as custom. It will also no longer be counting that card's default selection as in a deck.

This is what it currently looks like in practice under the following scenario with Apprentice Necromancer in a deck, a card I own two editions of (Urza's Destiny and Commander 2017).

1. In Listing view mode, I see it as belonging to Ultimate Masters when I select pricing mode of "Last Main Printing" and Commander 2017 when I select "My Inventory."
2. When I go in to edit my custom edition on that card, I see it set to Urza's Destiny until I click save and leave editing mode for that card in my deck.
3. When I switch to Spoiler viewing for that deck, I see the Urza's Destiny image for the card.
4. When I go to my inventory, I see 0 copies of my Urza's Destiny edition in a deck, and 1 copy of my Commander 2017 edition in a deck (because that second copy is in a different deck).
5. I also tried setting my Commander 2017 copy in its respective deck to a custom edition of Commander 2017, which is the same as its default value...and now I see 0 copies of that edition as listed in a deck in my inventory.

So so so so happy to have the Unstable variants!!! Thank you so much for your hard work, this site is wonderful. big_smile