
As the titles says I'm looking to get ahold of:

- 3 Vendillion Cliques
- 2 Snapcaster Mages
- 4 Cryptic Commands

- Thundermaw Hellkite
- 3 Promo Celestial Collonades

Some of my notable haves include:

- 2 Noble Hierarchs
- Verdant Catacomb
- 2 Marsh Flats
- Altered Fulminator Mage
- Crucible of Worlds


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I'd be interested in three of them if you're willing to break the set. I have a Verdant Catacomb and two Marsh Flats to put towards them


I've got a blood moon and I'm interested in your promo path to exile


I'm very interested in the promo Restoration Angel

Also the promo Path to Exile as well smile

Any interest in a foil Geist?

See anything of mine for your birds?

I'd be interested if you see anything from you want

So here's a few of the things I'm looking to acquire at the moment:

- Birds of Paradise x4
- Darkslick Shores x3
- Promo Celestial Collonade x3
- Promo Pyroclasm x2
- Promo Celestial Purge x1
- Promo Restoration Angel x1
- Promo Path to Exile x2
- Faerie Conclave x3
- Inquisition of Kozilek x4
- Kitchen Finks x2
- Remand x1
- Snapcaster Mage x2
- Thundermaw Hellkite x1

And some of my trades smile
- Noble Hierarch
- Altered Fulminator Mage
- Replenish
- Sol Ring (FBB)(French)(Revised)
- Sol Ring (Crimped) Revised)
- Dragon Broodmother Promo
- Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund
- And much more!


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)



(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

truechill wrote:

Colonnades here.

See anything of mine you like?


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Hello everyone smile

I'm looking for the following promo cards today:

- Celestial Colonnade x3
- Celestial Purge x1
- Pyroclasm x2
- Path to Exile x2
- Restoration Angel x1

Happy trading everyone!

I'm no expert, but would Dismember be "cutable" for this type of thing?



(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

baller wrote:

Feeling like opening your inventory up a bit for trades? Definitely see some stuff there I'd be interested in.

99% of my inventory is either cards I don't own anymore or cards in my decks


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I still can't get ahold of any sad

I wouldn't mind trading for a foil spell snare

What's your asking price for unhinged lands? I have 49 tickets on mtgo


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Hey everyone! I'm trying to find a playlet of Marsh Flats (not necessarily all from the same place haha)

Anyway I've got my trade list open for grabs, and since I can't seem to find them anywhere I'm valuing the Flats at $40 apiece smile

aznman375 wrote:

Sorry if I've bothered you about them already,  but is there anything I could trade for cryptics?

Sorry but I don't really see anything I need from you list

Can I put a lorwyn cryptic command towards a verdant catacomb?

Any way I can trade two verdants for a tarn + stuff?

I'm interested in a temple garden!

I've got things like combust, serum visions, sulfar falls, and engineered exploosives