(6 replies, posted in MTG Targu Mures)

Distorsion Strike nu ajunge la resolve? Din moment ce vines-u' zice "Target creature can't be the target of spells or abilities your opponents control this turn." , doar go for the throat-ul e anulat... nu?


(4 replies, posted in MTG Targu Mures)

Ok, am inteles. Merci! smile


(4 replies, posted in MTG Targu Mures)

Aia da, e ceva normal ca abia dupa ceva vreme sa pot face deck-uri competitive. smile Dar asa pentru un newbie deck, o parere, ceva? big_smile Cat de mica. Macar sa stiu daca-s pe drumul cel bun sau nu.


(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Yes, it helps a lot! smile Now I fully understand the how sacrificing works.

Thank you for the time accorded for my posted problem!


(4 replies, posted in MTG Targu Mures)


In primul rand, multumesc LeLe pentru starter deck! big_smile raman dator cu o bere/un suc, depinde de preferinte.

In al doilea rand, mi-am luat eu cateva carti (single-uri; poate am facut bine, poate nu, din greseli se-nvata) si am incercat sa modelez putin deck-ul primit, dupa cum am eu impresia ca mi-ar placea sa joc (din nou, poate-i bine, poate nu, poate ma ajutati voi putin) si a iesit asta.

Nu ma prea tenteaza modul standard, sincer... Preferintele mele merg de la extended pana catre inceputurile Magic-ului. Asa ca nu va rezumati doar la editiile legale in standard, in cazul in care aveti vreo idee de care carte ar merge mai bine pentru al meu deckuletz. Dati frau liber imaginatiei, vorba aia...

Momentan nu prea am alte carti de unde alege, din pacate. Asa ca na... big_smile

Merci anticipat, o seara faina!


(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I had a hunch that's the right way, but I was hoping it's the other way around (both abilities activate) big_smile greedy little fella' I am... ^^

Well, good to know the exact way it goes around. Thank you for the reply!


(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)

First of all, hello everyone!

As you can see, I'm new to the Magic community, and there's this dilemma that's been messing with my mind. It's about sacrificing creatures.

In this case, let's say I have two resolved spells in the game: death cultist and dross hopper .

If I sacrifice the cultist for the effect of the hopper, does the ability of the cultist resolve or not?

Thank you in advance! I've searched everywhere and haven't found anything. smile Maybe I've searched for the wrong keywords...

Have a nice evening!