That's my Golgari Aggro "Burn the Dead" deck. I just went 3-1 at my first ever event ever, using this deck. The ONLY deck that I lost to without it being a close match was G/R devotion. I have play tested this deck against almost every net deck, and I always struggle going against MGD or G/R devotion/monsters, or even other green based decks. Those are the only decks that I can't beat consistently or even get close to.

Any help is appreciated.

I'd be interested in your Kalonian Hydra if you want to take a look at my deck box! big_smile


(1 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I've been working on this deck for over a month. I've started playing MTG a few months ago, and have already put about $200 into it via pre-releases, cards, and various events.

I know a few staple cards are missing, and that's due to lack of money at the moment. I am going to get cards like Overgrown Tomb, Sylvan Caryatid, ect. when I can.
