Topic: Standard Golgari Aggro Deck (needs help against G/R devotion/monsters)

That's my Golgari Aggro "Burn the Dead" deck. I just went 3-1 at my first ever event ever, using this deck. The ONLY deck that I lost to without it being a close match was G/R devotion. I have play tested this deck against almost every net deck, and I always struggle going against MGD or G/R devotion/monsters, or even other green based decks. Those are the only decks that I can't beat consistently or even get close to.

Any help is appreciated.

Re: Standard Golgari Aggro Deck (needs help against G/R devotion/monsters)

Well the issue comes from the fact that they can simply flood out the board and you don't have the evasion or the removal needed to clear the way.  Really the only options you're going to have in your colors are going to be via mass removal or just going THROUGH their resistance.

The three options I'm thinking would be:

1) Add at least 1x more Gaze of Granite to the SB and hope you can get enough mana to wipe everything 3CMC and less from the board (that will leave most of your big stuff around) to get in an alpha strike. 

2) Nylea, God of the Hunt in some capacity.  The added trample for your 4/4s and such will likely help you seal the deal. 

3) Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord is a nice option, as his sac ability will let you ignore their blockers to just finish them off.  Sacking a 6/6 demon can be pretty solid...

On a side note, you would potentially benefit from Reaper of the Wilds and Putrefy in here as well.