(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Pitch35 wrote:

Okay, all the UB cards just disappeared. Are they no longer available?

Actually, the entire list is no longer available. I was able to make a local trade. Thank you for the interest! Just happened to be bad timing on you finding the list hmm Sorry about that!


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Pitch35 wrote:

Not sure what you have for it already, but I have the entire Temur energy list for trade (minus the fast lands, which I'm keeping for modern). Furthermore, it looks like you have most of the pieces I still need for UB control, which is what I'm building. I'm mostly interested in the scarab gods, since those are hardest to find, and I'm willing to give you a bit extra, since you'd be trading down into smaller stuff. I'll start a trade, with the stuff I'm interested in, and then you can add the pieces from temur energy that you still need, so we can work something out. Looking forward to the trade!

Thank you for your reply! I actually just completed a trade for the whole list. I appreciate your time and interest. Thank you!


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

**All Cards Have Been Spoken For**

Thank you for your interest.

All trades in trade binder are fair game. Will be going through my decklist of Ramunap Red to make sure the cards it needs are not currently in trade, but I'm pretty sure it's fine.

Before you go searching super specifically, Keep in mind that ALMOST everything in my trades, save for a few pulls from consipracyII and some 10th of the way built modern stuffs (ad nauseum, mostly), is standard. Or was very recently standard. I'm mostly looking to just trade/sell value to either recoup cash or get the decks I want to play this season built.

ALL cards are LP or better, generally speaking, however if I come across something concerning that someone is interested in, I will be happy to post pics of the concern and discuss value balance or otherwise find an alternative.

Anyway, I am also ALWAYS looking for Foil Full Art lands from OG Zendikar and older. Willing to trade up into those. Also just plain unhinged and unglued are fine, too. (not sure if unglued ever had foils, but hey).

Oh, and also looking for any and all of the Mountains from the Standard Showdown packs.


Looking to get into modern on the cheap to be able to play at an FNM the next couple weeks, and landed on boros heroic.

SO looking for the cards in This Here List of Magic Cards

and my entire tradelist is up for grabs as such.

Also have 3-ish boxes worth of commons and uncommons that I"d be happy to sift through if y'all need a specific 25 cent card or something.

let me know.


dave0192 wrote:

I have a couple of things if you want to take a look

Started a trade, but am still looking through some stuff.

looking to build ad nauseum for modern. Have trades for it.

this decklist as a starting point.

Also selling out of inventory/tradelist.



(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

my tradelist is small but accurate. Would like to trade for foil zendikar lands, new or old. as well as I need 4 bloodstained mires and 2 smoldering marshes.

Thanks in advance.

My trade list doesn't have all the stuff I actually have in it. Just ask if you need something specific and I can probably get it or already have it. Let me know

brightmatrix wrote:

Perfect! I'll be glad to look through your tradelist in addition to the requested cards. I can always find something else useful.

Okee doke. Would you want a the foiled doomwake giant? lol. whopping 40 cents more.

I know I've got several of what you're looking for. I'll look through my collection and start a trade with you.


(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

started a trade. Hope we can make a deal!

That I got a big box of beta card with duals and a ton of other awesome shit for 35 bucks.

I woke up and cried a little. 

Anyway, looking for unhinged lands. Got any?

Hit me up. Trades and inventory are up for grabs. I have a ton of standard goodies and very small number of modern stuffs.

Let meknow. Thanks.


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Still looking. hit me up.

Got new stuff in, too.


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

PerfectSpecimen wrote:

I have some zenlands i may be willing to part with for the promo pain seer

Trade started.


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Looking to buy or trade for a few. In regards to buying them, I'm willing to spend about 7 bucks a piece for anything better than moderately played.

I don't have a ton of money to put into this, and would much prefer to trade for them, but beggars can't be choosers. So please, let me know what you have.

Want level from most to least as far as color: Swamp, Island, Plains, Mountain, Forest.

Thanks, and here's to hoping.

Looking to make a Rw burn deck. Need some cards. Here's what I need:

2x Guttersnipe
3x Searing Blood
3x Satyr Firedancer
1x Boros Charm
4x Sacred Foundry
4x Temple of Triumph


Still Looking, folks. Thanks.

Everything in tradelist is up for grabs.

Looking to attain the following:

Everything in tradelist is up for grabs.

Looking to attain the following:

2x detention sphere
2x Sylvan Caryatid

4x Temple of Mystery

2x Simic Charm
4x Ephara's Enlightenment OR 4x Gift of Orzhova

Also will consider trades for Unhinged (not unglued) full art lands.

4x Fleecemane Lion
3x detention sphere
4x Sylvan Caryatid
4x Temple of enlightenment
4x Temple of Plenty
4x Temple of Mystery
4x Advent of the wurm (maybe, not sure about this card yet, still decktesting)
3x Simic Charm
4x Witchstalker (maybe, not sure about this card yet, still decktesting)

Inside the code brackets are the old requests. The list above are what I still need.

Let me know if you see something you want. Everything in my trades is up for grabs, so let me know.

I started up a trade, and I"m pretty sure I have the ajani and most (if not all) of your requested uncommons. I'll add them to the trade I started then go and verify what I actually have. WIll let you know soon.

I have almost everything from your standard want list. Will start up a trade and look through your TL.

baller wrote:

Just a heads up, it's typically easier to list the cards you need vs the cards you have. That being said, I'm not comparing your list of haves vs your decklist. Look over my tradelist and if you see the things you're looking for, start something up. Either way, good luck!

Good to know. Edited the OP with a list the cards that I still need, rather than want.

Thanks for the tip and I'll look through your trades when I'm back at a computer as well.

Edited the cards I already have for the deck, ready for more trade requests!

here's the decklist: http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/athreos-choices/

I need most of it.


I seem to be getting a lot of offers of cards I already have for the deck, so I'm gonna go into detail as to what I have and what I need. Specifically, what I already have, so that I'm not getting a bunch of offers that I don't need lol.

Needs for this deck

2x Deicide
1x Xathrid Necromancer
1x Athreos, god of passage
4x Cartel Aristocrat
4x Hero's Downfall
3x Dark Prophecy
4x Ashen Rider

Everything above is needed. Anything not listed I either have already or a trade in progress covers it.

My entire inventory is up for grabs. Shoot me an offer.

Jesse_Custer wrote:

I have about 72.

Please, take a look through my trades and see if anything piques your interest.

rnm32 wrote:

i have 2 full art plains and 2 full art islands. Have any UWR control stuff?

I'd love to get those two Islands off of you. I could do a straight trade for an anger of the gods if you'd want.

Anything in my tradelist is fair game. I'd like to trade at around $1.00 per card, if that's ok with you. Obviously we can work something out and/or trade for other things to buffer/etc. But my main goal here is zendikar full art lands.

Need swamps, forests and islands the most right now. Don't care about art style, just want to get as many as I can.