Does anyone in Australia have 2 x Shrieking Affliction for trade?

Im in Perth. Thanks.


(7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Quick update on this and a quick thanks to those who offered me some advice, I'm pretty clued up on the mechanics of the cards now, but still feeling very timid about playing.

My deck is slowly coming together. I've got the 'more desirable' cards to pick up yet Mutavault x 4, Thoughtseize x 4 Rakdos's Return x2 and Hero's Downfall x2 but my deck is taking form at least.


(7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Thanks for the help guys, i really really appreciate it.

Can you suggest any sites that breakdown the mechanics of a card into basic language?

For example....

Rakdos Guildgate
Dimir Guildgate
Temple of Mystery
Unknown Shores

I have these land cards, but I'd like to understand what the mechanic of each of them is.


(7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Hi everyone. Thanks for taking the time to read this.

I'm brand new to MTG (I've never played a game) and have only recently discovered this magical world via Day[9] on youtube. At the ripe old age of 30, i love the idea of building a deck, playing, tweaking, getting better, coming up with tactics and getting into the world.

My question is, where do i start? I've added all my cards to this site, done some trading and have a deck in mind that i found and i love the idea of ( … eated-fnm/). I've started to gather the cards, but with the bulk of the cards being costy, i have to forge ahead with what i have. Does anyone have any basic ideas for me based on the cards i have? It's a very hard thing to get straight into if you have no friends who play and are doing it all for the first time.

Thanks again.