Question from a noob to this...
So I'm trying to figure out the best way to create a new CSV for one of the precon decks I have that is currently not on the site. What I don't see is any central instructions for the best way to do so; ie. best place to get the deck list as a starting point, a simple template to use, any preferred style guide (for lack of a better description, etc.). Yes I believe I have an answer to each of these after reading through the forum messages and looking at some of the CSV files... but it would be useful to have something on the site.
Note: I have only every exported my DeckBox inventory for backup purposes. I have not done any imports or much looking at the exports.
I'd be willing to put something together, since I'm going through the process anyway, if it would help. So...
1. Where to get the list of contents of a precon deck?
- That works as a easy starting point for creating a CSV
- Any suggestion for editors or macros/scripts to massage the starting data into a CSV
- (edit: possible answer) So it looks like has pretty well every precon and downloadable text lists that could easily be massaged into CSV format.
2. Template of the CSV
- I see the headings "Count,Name,Foil,Card Number,Edition,Language"
- I also see a few CSV that seem to be divided into sections. Is this supported by the import function? (maybe there is something on the DeckBox site I should be reading... haven't checked yet)
3. Any guidelines of style to use when creating the CSV?
- Capitalization: does it matter?
- Keywords that can be used? ex: For the Foil column I see either empty or "Foil"
- Order of cards in the CSV file?
4. Anything else that makes it easier to accept a CSV when submitting it?
- Note on how the CSV was verified or if it was verified?
- Note on the source of the contents... from a site, from an actual deck, etc.?
Hmm, one more pro about using github for the CSVs... you have a history of who did the initial submit (PR), who verified, any issues (can be noted in the commit messages), etc. All the info about a particular CSV file is bundled with the file either as part of the commit messages or as the conversation with the PR, etc.