Hmm, so for a general process does this work:

1. Find the deck on MTG Wiki and download the txt version
2. Convert as is to CSV using the column headings previously spec'ed.
- adding the expansion, card condition, and language
3. Import to secondary Deckbox account
4. Use Deckbox to modify the cards to the correct card numbers, foil, etc.
- Sort by edition/release
5. Export as CSV file
6. Confirm it is in the format, sorting order, etc. that we want
7. Submit for adding to repository

There are a bunch of details missing but if we can agree on the general procedure I can flush out all the details so we have a complete set of instructions.

I'm documenting instructions for converting the downloaded .txt files from MTG Wiki to .csv (with an example of using Visual Studio Code, but I can add Excel also).  I have a couple of questions...

1. What is the recommended order of the cards in the .csv file?
* I noticed NamespaceV sorted primary by edition, not sure on the secondary.

2. Should there be any spaces (blank rows) in the .csv file?
* Example: if the deck has a sideboard, or extras...

meldon44 wrote:

@HeyMerlin — I'm curious about this statement you made: "Having the CSVs on github makes it easier for me to browse them rather than downloading them individually." You're either browsing them in an ugly tabular layout on Github or browsing them through categorical dropdowns.... but either way, you're having to browse to find the one you want, correct? And then unless I'm missing something on Github, you have to download the CSVs individually there, too (is there a way to select multiple files and download just those as a ZIP?). Or I guess you can download/clone the entire repo and do all the browsing on your computer. So unless I'm misunderstanding you, it sounds like it has more to do with the browsing experience. You'd rather a table than dropdowns?

It really depends on what I'm after as to which way I'm going to access the CSVs.  The layout you have on the website is great... I like the drop downs.  However it is I'd use it so long as I know not only the deck name but also exactly when it was released (part of what expansion). Of course I can look that up.  Or perhaps if ctrl-f was working so I could search for the deck name.

Whereas if I do not have all the info, maybe just the deck name or perhaps a partial name, I can search GitHub easily with this info or browse through the file structure and files on GitHub... looking at the contents of the files right on GitHub. I find this quicker and easier in some ways for a couple of reasons:
1. Yep I'm use to GitHub so I have to state that first as I'm likely biased because of it.
2. Looking at the contents of a CSV file on GitHub means I don't have to download it and open it locally (less steps and I'm not opening whatever default program for CSVs which is Excel in my case.  The less windows/applications popping up the better).  If I then want a copy of the CSV I have a couple of options... copy/paste is almost the quickest and easiest... if I'm browsing anyway.
3. I can search using logicals, and advanced queries.... this wouldn't be used often I expect.

You are probably right in that I'd clone the repo as then I could simply grep the files or file names for what I'm looking for.

I get it, it really is a matter of personal preference.  If the search functionality was working on the web page then it is the first spot to look, especially if I just want to get a single CSV so I can import my deck.
GitHub adds flexibility which can be useful.
Perhaps not the most convincing argument but using GitHub is a "value add" feature.

meldon44 wrote:

As to your other question: A CSV creation guide is a great idea! Thank you for suggesting it. As someone who does it all the time, it didn't occur to me that saying "make a CSV and send it my way" would be a hurdle. But duh, of course it would. Heh.

Thanks.  I've done enough documentation that I'm use to looking at things from a newbie point of view. Also I likely over analyze everything so yep I'm going to have questions! :-)

meldon44 wrote:

You know? I've never tried it without proper capitalization, but I imagine it would work. The most important guideline for the CSV is simply... does it import without error?

That said, I personally prefer proper capitalization, and the editor inside of me will probably feel compelled to go correct everyone's capitalization, so.... for my sake, please.  wink

I'm right there with you on that one. :-) It's good to have the preferred way mentioned in a style guide though.  Hmm, also... do you expect people to test the CSV by importing it themselves first? (Another point for the guide or FAQ or whatever form of documentation is used)

meldon44 wrote:

Thank you as well for your interest, and looking forward to your contributions!

Thanks for taking the feedback and considering the options.  I have several precons that I was getting around to adding to DeckBox so this definitely benefits me also.

Question from a noob to this...

So I'm trying to figure out the best way to create a new CSV for one of the precon decks I have that is currently not on the site.  What I don't see is any central instructions for the best way to do so; ie. best place to get the deck list as a starting point, a simple template to use, any preferred style guide (for lack of a better description, etc.).  Yes I believe I have an answer to each of these after reading through the forum messages and looking at some of the CSV files... but it would be useful to have something on the site.
Note: I have only every exported my DeckBox inventory for backup purposes.  I have not done any imports or much looking at the exports. 

I'd be willing to put something together, since I'm going through the process anyway, if it would help.  So...

1. Where to get the list of contents of a precon deck?
- That works as a easy starting point for creating a CSV
- Any suggestion for editors or macros/scripts to massage the starting data into a CSV
- (edit: possible answer) So it looks like has pretty well every precon and downloadable text lists that could easily be massaged into CSV format.

2. Template of the CSV
- I see the headings "Count,Name,Foil,Card Number,Edition,Language"
- I also see a few CSV that seem to be divided into sections.  Is this supported by the import function? (maybe there is something on the DeckBox site I should be reading... haven't checked yet)

3. Any guidelines of style to use when creating the CSV?
- Capitalization: does it matter?
- Keywords that can be used? ex: For the Foil column I see either empty or "Foil"
- Order of cards in the CSV file?

4. Anything else that makes it easier to accept a CSV when submitting it?
- Note on how the CSV was verified or if it was verified?
- Note on the source of the contents... from a site, from an actual deck, etc.?

Hmm, one more pro about using github for the CSVs... you have a history of who did the initial submit (PR), who verified, any issues (can be noted in the commit messages), etc.  All the info about a particular CSV file is bundled with the file either as part of the commit messages or as the conversation with the PR, etc.


I'll throw my vote behind adding the CSVs to github.  I'm just a the point of adding precon decks to my deckbox inventory and luckily I ran across this thread... great resource and thanks for the work.

Having the CSVs on github makes it easier for me to browse them rather than downloading them individually.  Also the first thing I did was look for a template of some sort as I was not clear on what columns I should put in any of the CSVs I make.  Perhaps I missed it... I ended up downloading one of the existing CSVs to have a look.

How much the versioning would be of use in this case is questionable as, as it was mentioned, the individual files are not changing much.  However in the even of there being a correction to a CSV it is really easy to see this on github verses reading through the forum or changelog on the website.  Also, it gives the ability for a person to simply clone the entire repo, if they like, in one easy step as well as easily get updates (a simple pull vs checking the website).  Submitting new CSVs is a simple pull request and these are easily seen on the github page as well as their status (have they been accepted, etc.). 
Lastly, as was mentioned, hopefully at some point someone steps up and offers to help on a regular basis instead of everything being on one person's shoulders... having everything in github makes that collaboration much easier.
For all the good reasons mentioned previously plus mine above, I recommend utilizing github as much as possible.

Now onto making and contributing some CSV files.

I have not started entering decks yet, only non-deck inventory but I'm interested in this feature also. Adding a card and allocating it to a deck (new or existing) at the same time would be very useful.