(12 replies, posted in Site Discussion)


I am so happy right now! <3



(12 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Thank you Sebi!

Another thing is if I am using multiple different printings of mountains in the same deck, is it possible to add them somehow? If I remember correctly it is not possible, but have to check it on desktop.


(12 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I mean it lists all the cards in the dropdown, but due to the ordering its
not really useable.

This is not a problem with normal cards, since they dont have too many different printings,
but with basic lands its a real problem.


(12 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I can not open the url from mobile, but sent a screenshot on the support mail.

I think it eould be better to order the basic land types by set.

Thank you for taking the time with this!



(12 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

<3 <3

I know this is not the topic for it,

but is it possible to have some kind of upgrade on the built decks subpages when adding basic lands?
I have a lot of different basic lands and under rhe deck subpage i cannot set wich exact copy is in the deck. There is a dropdown, but it lists the cards in last added order. Could you look into it at some time?


(12 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Sent you a screenshot Sebi

Since yesterday the main site wont come up, it shows “{ }” for me.

Is the problem on my end?


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

This would be a great addition!


(0 replies, posted in Site Discussion)


I would like to request some refinements on the editions subpage.
I collect foils and whole sets. It would be great if there would be
some filters on the page, so we could filter the missing cards better.

My problem is, that I have foil/nonfoil versions of cards and I am
going for x4 foils in a set. It is really hard to see now what is missing.

Another great feature would be if we would have the option
to omit basic lands/ extra cards (for example cards from the new PW
decks, or cards from the free decks. These cannot be opened from
boosters and are not part of the “real” set)

Any opinions on this? Is anyone else using the editions page?


Hello Sebi!

Abrupt Decay WMCQ promo is missing!



(10 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Thank you Sebi! big_smile


(10 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Can it be, because of this new feature?


(10 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Still looks like this - can this be somehow rerolled?

Or will I have to edit the whole thing manually? yikes


(10 replies, posted in Site Discussion)


Squishing the bugs!


(10 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Is this a global problem, or only Im having this?

Thanks for the investigation and quick replies, though smile

Every item from my inventory "added itself" to the tradelist as well, yep that means every card I own looks tradeable - plus as a bonus my preexisting tradelist was destroyed this way.

Anyone having the same issue? Is this because the upcoming new features?


Sultai Charm Holiday gift box alternate art is missing-


(389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hello again!

I would like to ask if it is really a good idea that you are trying to build pricing information on your own?

The prices for most of the cards are way off - I'm looking at my more expensive cards,
lets see Tarmogoyf for example:

Tarmogoyf [$165] [$176.67]

There is one person who would trade this (at lest one guy shows up for me), with the Future Sight version
selling for $180, even this is way above your shown value - Not to say that nobody will sell you a Tarmogoyf under
around $200 nowadays.

According to MTGprice, the Future sight version is $199.24, the MM one $207.39 as of september 3rd -

If I would like to check the value of my collection, according to your database I'm off ~4x30$- 120$
only with a playset of Goyfs ...

Any chance to add a few more price resources from outside, just to smooth out these peaks?

Thanks for the great work you are doing, and making possible to track our collection!!!


(389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)


Please check the price of mtg foil Sidewinder sliver, its 2,473.98$ right now.



(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)


If I add cards from my collection to a deck, shouldn't it remove them from my inventory?
I noticed that the cards added to a deck, display as the first print of the card, even if
I do not own that edition of the card.

Is there a way to add SPECIFIC cards to a deck, with them being removed from the inventory
at the same time? It would be much more logical, and would make finding cards and
building decks with the used cards much easier.