Topic: Issue with mobile view of the site

Since yesterday the main site wont come up, it shows “{ }” for me.

Is the problem on my end?

Last edited by sebi (2021-05-26 13:02:38)

Re: Issue with mobile view of the site

ZuluKilo wrote:

Since yesterday the main site wont come up, it shows “{ }” for me.

Is the problem on my end?

I did deploy a large update of backend upgrades yesterday, might be the problem. Can you send me a screenshot to please?

Last edited by sebi (2021-05-26 13:30:21)

Re: Issue with mobile view of the site

Sent you a screenshot Sebi

Re: Issue with mobile view of the site

Ah it's the mobile view, now I understand why I was not seeing it. Thanks for reporting! Fixing now.

Re: Issue with mobile view of the site

<3 <3

I know this is not the topic for it,

but is it possible to have some kind of upgrade on the built decks subpages when adding basic lands?
I have a lot of different basic lands and under rhe deck subpage i cannot set wich exact copy is in the deck. There is a dropdown, but it lists the cards in last added order. Could you look into it at some time?

Re: Issue with mobile view of the site

ZuluKilo wrote:

<3 <3

I know this is not the topic for it,

but is it possible to have some kind of upgrade on the built decks subpages when adding basic lands?
I have a lot of different basic lands and under rhe deck subpage i cannot set wich exact copy is in the deck. There is a dropdown, but it lists the cards in last added order. Could you look into it at some time?

You mean the ordering of the printings in the "details" dropdown in the deckbuilder, right?

Re: Issue with mobile view of the site

This one?

Re: Issue with mobile view of the site

I can not open the url from mobile, but sent a screenshot on the support mail.

I think it eould be better to order the basic land types by set.

Thank you for taking the time with this!


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Re: Issue with mobile view of the site

I mean it lists all the cards in the dropdown, but due to the ordering its
not really useable.

This is not a problem with normal cards, since they dont have too many different printings,
but with basic lands its a real problem.

Re: Issue with mobile view of the site

ZuluKilo wrote:

I mean it lists all the cards in the dropdown, but due to the ordering its
not really useable.

This is not a problem with normal cards, since they dont have too many different printings,
but with basic lands its a real problem.

Yep, true. It's a bug actually, the "normal" edition / collector number ordering was supposed to be used there. Fixed now!

Re: Issue with mobile view of the site

Thank you Sebi!

Another thing is if I am using multiple different printings of mountains in the same deck, is it possible to add them somehow? If I remember correctly it is not possible, but have to check it on desktop.

Re: Issue with mobile view of the site

Yes, same dropdown you can choose  "Add new row for this card", then select a different printing for that row.

Re: Issue with mobile view of the site


I am so happy right now! <3