Brimaz only came out once or twice but he was very useful for making blockers. He was a good addition.

The deck played very well for me at the tournament. First round was versus a Red aggro deck. I won the first match , lost the second and won the third. Second round was against a White deck, Lost the first round then won the second and third. 3rd and final round was against a mono black deck. I lost the first hand then won the second and third. I ended up taking first place with my Orzhov build thanks for all the comments and suggestions.

I would suggest the following.

Revoke Existence reduce to 2. Replace those 2 with Brave the Elements. Protection for all of your creatures from a given color is great.

Archetype of Courage why do you have 3 of these? I would reduce to 2.

Hero of Iroas is a nice card but you have only two Aura Spells and they are creatures as well that can be bestowed I would replace these with Precinct Captain's, maybe add 3 of them if you reduce Archetype of courage as well.

Ornitharch I would replace these with 2 Soldier of the Pantheon and maybe two Dryad Militants. They both have nice abilities and are 1 drops.

Mortals Ardor I would consider replacing as well. Maybe Ethereal Armor a 1 drop Giving +1/+1 per enchantment you control, and first strike, or if you want more control Celestial flare, or God's Willing.

These changes will make your deck faster and let you populate your field further. Just my thoughts good luck.


(7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I hear what you are saying and I end up playing mostly non-standard casual play. I enjoy building the decks and once I get one that works well I like to keep it. Of course using sites like this I can now more easily keep the build and still break down the deck if I want to use it again I simply come here look at the build and put it back together.

I am still trying to build up my card base as well after just getting back into playing. Thanks for the advice though.


(7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I still have that one as well I am building multiple standard decks. I like having a variety of decks to choose from. I have about a dozen decks built right now. They are all in a box I take with me so i can pick and choose what to play. Once a deck is built I pretty much leave those cards in place and if I need more of a card for another deck I get more of the card instead of breaking the deck apart.

You know what they say variety is the spice of life!


(7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Thanks for your comments! I will check out the link. No mutavaults in deck due to cost and lack of spare mutavaults. Anyone wants to donate a few let me know LOL.


(7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

30 reviews and not one comment? Is it that bad or that good LOL? I really am open to suggestions LOL.

I am trying to make a standard Azorius deck that is my own creation that will work well. I think this one should play rather nicely of course play testing will be vital. I was hoping for comments for the deck guru's here though on their thoughts for the build overall and or any improvements. Thanks in advance.


(5 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Gnarlkill012 check your email I sent you another build suggestion based on your inventory.


(5 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

It looks like your main goal based on cards is to drain your opponents life by abilities, not by doing damage per say. Blood baron is designed to work best if you are gaining life quickly. Most of your cards reduce your opponents life but do not increase yours. There are a decent number of cards in your hand that do boost your life total but they will take some time to get going, and kick you up to 30 life. I would focus on either life gain or your opponents life reduction instead of both.

I see you have 3 Asphyxiate in your inventory its a good guard to use to cut down your opponents creatures. Liturgy of blood and Sip of Hemlock cost quite a bit of mana to cast. Asphyxiate only costs 3. I would replace them with Asphyxiate and Bile Blight.

Bile blight is also a very nice card if your opponent has multiples of the same creature out and is not expensive to cast.

You have 2 Doom Blades as well which can be handy in a pinch as well against other color decks or multicolor decks. I would at least sideboard them.
(Sideboard is a set of 15 cards you can swap out between games.) Devour flesh gives your opponent life, Doom Blade does not.

Duress is a great way to restrict your opponents casting as well. Possibly consider switching this in also.

Maybe swap out a Blood Bairn and Eater of Hope for a pair of Deathgaze cockatrice Deathtouch fliers are nice for blocking or attacking.

Just a few suggestions I am no expert by any means but I think some of the cards I mentioned could be useful. Also I am always told to focus on the theme and try to build on that, if you want to gain life focus on creatures and spells that gain you life, however gaining life generally does not win you games, if they have a destroy target creature card that Blood baron can disappear very quickly. You need to be able to dish out the damage as well. I would focus on getting creatures out quickly and putting a hurt on your opponent, instead of focusing the entire build on a single card. You have plenty of sorcery and enchantments as well to help reduce your opponents life.

OK in goes Brimaz and out comes the High Priest, I also bumped up the Soldier of the Pantheon to 4 instead of 2.

I put the High priest in as it is a human and it has destroy when damaged. So I get a zombie and he kills something of theirs. I did not use Brimaz as he is a cat and creates cat tokens which do not get replaced with Zombies. I can easily replace the high priest if need be, I just thought his ability was a boon.

I just cant swing the cost of the Mutavaults right now. They are very nice but a bit expensive. I will also look at changing up the Necrobites and Boon or Erebos for other control cards.

Hello I was hoping I could get further suggestions for this Orzhov Build. I want it to be very fast and effective. I think i have a good build here but am eager to get others thoughts.

Thanks in advance.

I am looking for suggestions to improve this deck and make it very tough. I think I have a good build but am eager to hear what others think about it and how I can improve it.

Thanks i will dig a bit deeper.

Hello all I am trying to build a solid azorius deck for a standard tournament coming up soon. Please feel free to peruse my build and give me any suggestions for making it more viable and lethal. I am open to any suggestions. I am hoping this will allwo me to put tokens out nearly each round to activate Epahara ability and keep my hand in decent shape while doing a decent amount of damage to my opponent via the aura buffed creatures.