Topic: Azorius Deck Review Please

I am trying to make a standard Azorius deck that is my own creation that will work well. I think this one should play rather nicely of course play testing will be vital. I was hoping for comments for the deck guru's here though on their thoughts for the build overall and or any improvements. Thanks in advance.

Last edited by aplechaty (2014-02-25 19:06:31)

Re: Azorius Deck Review Please

30 reviews and not one comment? Is it that bad or that good LOL? I really am open to suggestions LOL.

Re: Azorius Deck Review Please

Don't have much to add, other than I don't like the WW splash U builds... they lack the resilient threats like xathrid necro and the finishing power/utility of boros charm...

the ephara and friends list is probably something you should shoot for the guy did okay with it at this tournament. … welcome#1a

also, again, no mutavaults in an aggro list these days just doesn't cut the mustard...

Last edited by elpablo (2014-02-26 13:24:28)

Re: Azorius Deck Review Please

Thanks for your comments! I will check out the link. No mutavaults in deck due to cost and lack of spare mutavaults. Anyone wants to donate a few let me know LOL.

Re: Azorius Deck Review Please

why not just stick with the orzhov aggro you were working on? didn't like it?

Re: Azorius Deck Review Please

I still have that one as well I am building multiple standard decks. I like having a variety of decks to choose from. I have about a dozen decks built right now. They are all in a box I take with me so i can pick and choose what to play. Once a deck is built I pretty much leave those cards in place and if I need more of a card for another deck I get more of the card instead of breaking the deck apart.

You know what they say variety is the spice of life!

Last edited by aplechaty (2014-02-26 16:02:47)

Re: Azorius Deck Review Please

Just my .02 on your deck building strategy... take it or leave it...

from a financial stand point, 99% of cards in standard will not hold their value after rotation so, it's not advisable to pick up multiple copies of things like precinct captain for example... something like thoughtseize will hold some value after rotation and even after theros stops being opened so much it'll see a rebound. 

I realize that we all play for different reasons, but it doesn't make sense to spend time trading/buying cards that you'll lose out on for a hobby.  even if you have the extra money, that's still really a waste of your time and effort to trade for something you don't really "need' to play with.

I usually get my play sets and then maybe build a different deck from one week to the next.

Just something to think about.

Re: Azorius Deck Review Please

I hear what you are saying and I end up playing mostly non-standard casual play. I enjoy building the decks and once I get one that works well I like to keep it. Of course using sites like this I can now more easily keep the build and still break down the deck if I want to use it again I simply come here look at the build and put it back together.

I am still trying to build up my card base as well after just getting back into playing. Thanks for the advice though.

Last edited by aplechaty (2014-02-26 16:24:02)