(0 replies, posted in Site Discussion)


I recently attempted to make a trade with another user (NicolusGrondinus I believe his name is). We did finalize the trade, but then I noticed that he had a large number of unresolved trades within Canada, some even from March. I asked him about it and he said there was a problem with the mail on his end. I was very curious as to why a) there's a problem with the mail anywhere in Canada, b) why he didn't put anything about it on his profile, and c) why he's trading at all when there's a mail problem.

I told him that, and he wrote "kk.com", cancelled the trade and left me a negative! Very immature.

I'm wondering how I would go about disputing the negative and hopefully getting it removed, considering I didn't cancel and nothing ever even got sent...


I have my seller account listed to pay in Canadian but I'm receiving my PayPal in US dollars, which I don't want.

What can be done to change this?


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I'm fairly confident that 1% is way high. All of the things you mentioned obviously happen but most should be pretty rare. I'm guessing attempted theft is how the majority of packages get lost.


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I saw an estimate of 0.025%. There's really no reason why non-stolen mail that's addressed properly should ever get lost.  What could possibly happen to it?


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Perhaps. I guess I'd just been overly lucky in the past.

I just know that things don't really get lost in the mail (stolen by employees looking for gift cards this time of year is another story).

I'll continue to give it a try, as I love the layout of the site.


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)


I joined Deckbox this year and made 16 trades.  In several of these trades, I was sent cards that were not even close to properly described, but in the end we worked something out that was fair.

Recently, not once but twice in 2 months I've had cards that "didn't make it to the receiver".

I've made well over 300 trades on MOTL (and have 232 refs) over 10+ years and have never had even a hint of a problem.

Have I just had awful luck with the site or have others encountered what I have encountered here?


(12 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hey, I figured it out. I didn't know you could click on the price on the new avg column.


(12 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Can't filter anything by price right now either