Topic: Left a negative for no reason


I recently attempted to make a trade with another user (NicolusGrondinus I believe his name is). We did finalize the trade, but then I noticed that he had a large number of unresolved trades within Canada, some even from March. I asked him about it and he said there was a problem with the mail on his end. I was very curious as to why a) there's a problem with the mail anywhere in Canada, b) why he didn't put anything about it on his profile, and c) why he's trading at all when there's a mail problem.

I told him that, and he wrote "", cancelled the trade and left me a negative! Very immature.

I'm wondering how I would go about disputing the negative and hopefully getting it removed, considering I didn't cancel and nothing ever even got sent...

Last edited by ryanghall (2019-05-28 04:48:12)