xathrind necromancer has a foil promo (media insert) card not listed  thanks


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

i have noticed many people have priorities for there wishlist and the only way to do that is by putting larger numbers to show priority.

would it be possible for multiple wish lists.  people could make a wish list for cards they need, and for cards they want.  an optional column in the wish list for priority.  so when you are looking at someones trade or purchase screen you can tell right away if they have the cards you need vs cards  you want.   or some way to have some kind of priority scale on the wish list. 

just an idea.

i know i have a lot of cards in my wish list, but a lot are just cards i like and would eventually want or to buy, but not going to trade for because i do not really need them just would be nice to have for my collection.

i c you can flag a card as important but it does not show on the list when looking at others inventory that you marked (that i notice)  maybe making them a diff color or something.


(16 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

it still is not fixed in user bios though  i noticed this one:



(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

it does not happen all the time, just on a few that i was buying cards on.  but seems to consistently happen on those few.

such as:
the below profiles:


what is seems is when they have multiple pages (3+)  of cards available for trade and purchase from my wish list.  when i hit the next button for purchases is scrolls down to the trades and then i scroll up and it says " xx does not sell any cards from your wishlist. Check out these other interesting cards he has for sale."  when i know it says they have 3 pages of stuff for sale from my wish list.  I refresh the page and it goes back to page one of the sale items.

i know there are more than that for profiles, but that is the one i encountered today even.


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

when i am looking at a person's list of cards that match my wish list for purchase and there is more than one page, i click on page 2 and it does not go to page 2 it reloads and says this person does not sell cards on  you wish list, and gives me cards i may be interested in.  Then if i reload the page it goes back to the first page with there cards for purchase that match my wish list with page 1. 

can it go back to not having pages, it was so much better not having to look through sometimes 4 pages of cards instead of one long list.


(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Kizudarake wrote:

Remember, coat of arms helps your opponent's rats as well. Hall of triumph might be a better choice.

yeah non of my friends have any rats, but that is something i had not considered

For vampires:  I might add stromkirk noble to my sideboard if I had an opponent running any humans. He's a fun one for some early damage,plus  with the possibility of adding counters, makes him a good value for a one drop.

i thought i had that one in my sideboard,  and i do have one friend that likes to play white humans token deck with an elspeth, her minus 3 sucks when i get all my vaps or rats juiced up

Today 12:44:32

Bloodhusk ritualist can reduce enemy card in hand, guul draz vampire can be useful in a pinch and kalastria highborn make you gain life whenever your vampire die.

As for rat, ravenous rat > typhoid rat

i had more ravenous rats and less typhoid, it seems that the death touch worked better for defense against my friends since they do not want to loose there more powerful cards to a chump block with deathtouch, and it works well still giving the pack rat a +1/+1  and with the ogre slumlord on the field i can chump block a powerful creature with it kill them both and add 2 1/1 rat tokens to make pack rat even better yet. let alone if i have marrow gnawer out to give them all fear and start duplicating rat tokens that way esp good with a parallel lives or two in place.

any more good advice out there?


(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

i am trying to see how to make these two decks better.  There is not much of a limit as long as they stay with the theme.

any advice will be greatly appreciated.  i have a few decks and i have really only been playing with friends, and just started that about 5 months ago.

my vampire deck:


my original goal was kill by sorin's -3 and sorin's vengeance.  using liliana to make sure i always have enough land.
but my friends get so scared of my vampires esp when i get a couple bloodline keepers out quickly.

my rat deck:


this is pretty self explanatory.  use parallel lives when coping rat pack and i was combining with rhys too.  making tons of rat packs and and strengthening them even more with more rats and a coat of arms.

the main deck will have 2 ring of three wishes in it instead of diabolical tutors when i get them.

thanks you in advance for any input or comments