The workbench is much needed. I'd just like to sign my name in as one who wants it, too. Hopefully with enough people, the workbench will get bumped up the to-do list. wink


(5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Thanks, I was having this issue with the B.F.M (Big Furry Monster) a few days ago. Now at least I can add it. But it shows the back of the card as a preview, and I see no way to make the distinction between the left and right sides of it.

I'm in the process of inputting all my cards, commons included as well. I wanted a database I could search so I could tell how many of any one card I had.

Optional filters never hurt, they just add more options and usability. So it's a good idea. Makes sense that the total value displayed is for the cards that match any current filters anyway.

I too, would like to see this.

It's really a pain to add a card, then have to edit card details to add an Edition.

I understand the need for this if the card is in more than one Edition. However, there are a lot of cards that are only in one. It would be nice if the Edition field automatically set itself when you add the card if there's only one possible Edition anyway.

Also in the spirit of making card details easier to manage, I'd like a way to optionally set a default for "condition" and "language." All but one of my cards are English, but it's not feasible to go edit the details on them all...