Thanks for the input. I do have more to work with and I will see what changes I can make when I get home. I reall went with the soldier theme for brimaz and the preeminent captains. Plus with the artifacts I have for some boost, if all goes well I thought they would build up an army pretty quickly-no luck yet. Hence why I thought running mono-white May be my best option in the end.

Linvala, Keeper of Silence is a great card to have if you can afford it. I am working on a mono white edh deck that will be mostly angels and she is at the top of my list. Other than that I like what you have put together.

I am fairly new to MTG (collected a bit when I was younger), but am entirely new to building decks from scratch. I have obtained some pretty nice G & W cards lately and wanted to try to make a deck out of them.
This is what I have so far
I played multiple games against a friend the other day (he has a pretty competitive mono-black standard deck) and I did not stand a chance in any of the games. What can I do to make the deck more competitive and able to hold its own longer into a game (even if I wind up losing in the end), rather than losing in 5-7 turns.
I have thought about the possibility of making two decks out of it, both just mono color, but would like to avoid that and having multiple decks to choose from as I am also working on a mono-red burn deck on the side.