Topic: Help with new G/W deck.

I am fairly new to MTG (collected a bit when I was younger), but am entirely new to building decks from scratch. I have obtained some pretty nice G & W cards lately and wanted to try to make a deck out of them.
This is what I have so far
I played multiple games against a friend the other day (he has a pretty competitive mono-black standard deck) and I did not stand a chance in any of the games. What can I do to make the deck more competitive and able to hold its own longer into a game (even if I wind up losing in the end), rather than losing in 5-7 turns.
I have thought about the possibility of making two decks out of it, both just mono color, but would like to avoid that and having multiple decks to choose from as I am also working on a mono-red burn deck on the side.

Re: Help with new G/W deck.

Hello to a fellow newbie smile
I'm probably not the best at deck building, however, I did notice that you do not have anything in the way of removal.
I am guessing that you may be working only with what you have so far, so I would include the two divine verdicts that you have.  Even though they are rotating out soon, Selesnya charm and druids deliverance would be great additions for the time being.  Also, if you have any other powerful creatures beyond 1/1 soldiers, Green is a great color to ramp up your mana to bring out the big guys!  Since you have Nissa to help with that, I would also look into some Sylvan Caryatids : they offer both mana ramp and a bit of defense with a toughness of 3.  Or course that may only help early in the game, but it may afford you at least a little time to build up your creatures.  If you are going to stick with soldiers, I have a deck that I am experimenting with here:  It builds around Brimaz and uses tokens in an attempt to overwhelm the other player.
It still has a long way to go to be competitive, but, I am working with what I have - maybe it can offer you an idea or two.
Hope this helps at least a little !


Re: Help with new G/W deck.

Thanks for the input. I do have more to work with and I will see what changes I can make when I get home. I reall went with the soldier theme for brimaz and the preeminent captains. Plus with the artifacts I have for some boost, if all goes well I thought they would build up an army pretty quickly-no luck yet. Hence why I thought running mono-white May be my best option in the end.

Re: Help with new G/W deck.

Replace Titanic growth with Banisher Priest for more controlling aspect.

I  would change vineweft with more raise the alarm. If you're gonna change it into mono white, consider replacing it with Triplicate Spirit.