Look at my inventory

underworlddaddy wrote:

Looking to meet new people and make trades ! Anybody down to help me learn the ins and outs of this site

I am looking for BRIMAZ.


(9 replies, posted in Trading Post)

PupTAG wrote:

big_smile yeeeeesss :3 I'll trade for the reg one smile

I have it pulled and ready to ship. Start a trade with me with a shopping list of other cards you are looking for and I will do the same.


(9 replies, posted in Trading Post)

PupTAG wrote:

Oh! Right! If anybody has a Grave Titan for trade I'd love to look into one ^_^

I have 2. one regular from M12 and other one a foil.



(9 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Check out my collection. Let's talk.


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I would pay upwards to $5 for it.

This is another reason why I only trade within the USA. Canada is my only exception.


(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I would love to see a web version


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

xuul wrote:
Eliterawr wrote:

write it down? or use MTG Familiar App for ur phone u can enter the cards prices are same as here, but u can also save the trade and pull it backup and see what u traded for what

Thanks for the reply but I don't think that App is what I'm looking for.

I want to keep a record of ALL of my trades in deckbox.org. This includes trades made through deckbox.org (which is supported) and my trades made with random people I meet in real life.

In addition to keeping track of my historical trades, I'd also like to have my Tradelist/Inventory update automatically when I submit a trade.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think the MTG Familiar App integrates with deckbox.org and does those things.

Deckbox is.coming out with an API this spring.


(5 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Timber wrote:

I sent you a trade notice.  I have a few Ravnica Block packs and a Gatecrash Fat Pack that I'd rather trade than open.

Would be cool to add unopened packs in inventory and trades.


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Eliterawr wrote:

write it down? or use MTG Familiar App for ur phone u can enter the cards prices are same as here, but u can also save the trade and pull it backup and see what u traded for what

I just downloaded the app. This is exactly what I have been looking for! Thank you!


(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)


Looking for comments. I added 2 Born of the Gods cards.

RyanMcCulloch wrote:

There has got to be a way to just add an entire, stock intro deck to your registry.

If this isn't a feature, why is it not a feature!?

If it is a feature, how do you do it?

Thanks for the read and I appreciate the responses.  smile

Search for the deck by name and copy it.to your decks

TyWooOneTime wrote:

Not that I'm aware of.  If you have HIGH end stuff like the Power Nine, rare Alphas or Betas, things of that nature, you can probably have the cards professionally rated through similar services as with sports cards, but again, as most of us aren't sitting on cards of that value, I seriously doubt anyone here can tell ya.  I would suggest going and talking to someone at a store that specializes in sports and other higher-end collectables to see what they can tell you.

No power 9s over here. Thanks for the.info.

TyWooOneTime wrote:

If you'll note from the form, the S in PSA stands for sports, so it's entirely possible that you cannot even submit CCGs in this fashion... as such, the videos are exactly what one would want/need.  Unfortunately nobody here seems to know about the process as we're not exactly sitting on Power 9 cards that need to be graded...

Is there a company that validates and encapsulated only magic cards or other CCGs?


TyWooOneTime wrote:

Google "PSA submission form" man.  It brings up two or three youtube videos that should cover everything you're looking for.

The videos are for sports not CCGs.

The subject says it. Little help. Thanks!


(10 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

sk00gle wrote:

Bump. Also, I recognize that Deathrite Shaman has been banned, but I'm going to leave it in the list for the moment... At least until I've updated my inventory.

Page still says it is legal in all formats.



(3 replies, posted in General Discussion)

TyWooOneTime wrote:

One, moved this to the proper forum location.

Two, considering that the token is an exact copy of Pack Rat perhaps they figured you could just put another normal Pack Rat card into play if you were really hard up?  The same question could be asked of Giant Adephage...

I have more than 4 pack rats so I see how this problem can be solved.

Thanks for the information!


(3 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Why is there no Rat Token?


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

TyWooOneTime wrote:

I'm not aware of any way to request a more "credit card" like DCI card from Wizards or even your local shop.  But I guess if it's important to you, you could always have a custom one made: http://www.customdcicards.com/order.html.

Thanks for the tip!


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

How do I get one? I had one from over a decade ago but lost it. I did resign up and have a new number but it is a paper card that was given to me the day of an FNM.




(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

TyWooOneTime wrote:

All I'll say is if you put in zero effort, the community shall put forth zero effort to offer comments.
