Kammikaze wrote:
rastem wrote:

Congrats on the new update. Can we get the edition/picture selector in the deckbuilder too? Currently we can't choose an edition there. It's important for seeing the overall price of decks. Thanks!

terrafrost wrote:

What about having a user setting where people can set the pagination that they want deckbox.org to use?

It's amazing to me how many people don't bother to read for a minute before posting something that's already been said a dozen times.

I joined deckbox to participate in a trade and was going to comment on this as well. And I have to say... your attitude makes me want to leave already.

So it's been said a dozen times? Where? In a dozen different topics? I guess people can't comment until they've read all 88,673 posts on this forum out of fear that what they might have said might have already been posted?

If you wanted to be helpful you could say "see [this post]" but that's not what you did. Instead you're just a snide little piece of shit.

Just my two cents. I'm outta here.