In certain languages/print runs of DXM the hybrid mana symbol on filter lands were misprinted with different symbols. If you have any of those and are interested in trading please message me and we will work something out

Look through my tradelist if you have any for trade, I also have things unlisted and also wouldn't be against paying $$$ if necessary


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Trying to fill the void of a global pandemic by getting out of my house once or twice a day to walk my dogs and put stuff in the mailbox within my neighborhood. Looking to foil out my Pioneer deck and get a few EDH cards but I will look through any binder for things


Turns out the price of foil Snapcaster Mage spiked ~100USD. I just puked a little in my mouth, but regardless, I'm still interested so here's a shameless bump

I can trade a nonfoil one back if needed. Feel free to send me offers!

The topic more or less explains itself. Feel free to look through my tradelist and send me an offer if you see anything you're interested in

Hey guys! Title more or less explains itself. I have ONS/KTK Flooded Strands I can trade towards the foil ones if needed

Would you be interested in THS Thoughtseizes instead? Obviously there would be some other stuff form my end but I only have THS ones for trade




Hello! I started to run out of space in the topic header, but I have staples across all formats that I can trade towards these. Feel free to send me an offer!

For those curious, that was not a spelling error in the title. I'm looking for the 2007 Holiday Promo Gifts Given (obviously before the holidays roll around)

My entire tradelist is up for grabs for this, and I have plenty of other things not listed if there's something specific you're looking for

Sent you part of a trade offer

whitemeat wrote:

Do you have Manaless Dredge stuff by chance?  I'd be willing to trade a played FoW for all the dredge crap if you're willing to add substantial value for me trading down to commons and uncommons.

I have absolutely no idea what C/U cards are played in MAnaless Dredge outside of Narcomoeba. Send me a trade on Deckbox and we can talk more


Hello! As the title says, I will be at GP:NJ this weekend and I am looking for 4 Force of Wills and 2 Wastelands for my deck. I have the majority of my tradelist posted on Deckbox but since I legitimately need these, I have other things that I would be willing to trade (Fetches, Duals, and other spicy odds and ends). Feel free to comment in this thread and/or send me a trade if you're interested!


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Please message me if there's anything you're interested in from my tradelist towards your foil Inquisition of Kozilek. I have a nonfoil I can trade back if needed

Hey guys! Looking to turn some of my cards into random Modern/Legacy odds and ends. Here is a list of cards that I am explicitly looking for

4x Force of Will
4x Wasteland (I have 2 HP ones that I could trade towards these if interested)
3x FOIL KTK Polluted Delta
4x FOIL KTK Flooded Strand
4x FOIL Verdant Catacombs
3x FOIL Abrupt Decay
2x FOIL Deathrite Shaman
4x FOIL THS Thoughtseize
2x FOIL Inquisition of Kozilek

Obviously if you need random things off my tradelist I'll be glad to trade towards other assorted cards (ie; duals) that I am not specifically looking for. I'll also be at GP:NJ if you're interested in trading in person. Thanks!

I have 2 Russian NF Flooded Strands if you're interested. They aren't listed on my profile but if you want them feel free to contact me

Hello, I am extremely interested in the Polluted Delta. I have foil shocks that I don't have listed on my account that I believe I should be able to trade in addition to the things I have on my tradelist. Feel free to send me an offer as I am currently on the road and I can take a look at it tonight

Bump up to the top

Shameless bump. I have just gotten back to my hotel room to converse with people who have sent me trades. By tomorrow night I should be home and should have my tradelist updated with all the Khans cards I have for trade

Ran out of space on the title. Throughout my packs of Khans I have opened foil Windswept Heath, Wooded Foothills, and Bloodstained Mire. I also have some other random notables like Sarkhan, a few of the other Khans, and plenty of staples (Seige Rhino, Butcher of the Horde) that I haven't listed on my profile yet. In addition, I have the rest of my tradelist that has plenty of foils and Legacy cards.

I am looking for playsets of foil Polluted Delta and Flooded Strand and the majority of my tradelist is available to go towards those. I also have nonfoils that I can send back if needed. I will be out of town this weekend so I will have very little time to constantly be online this week but I will try to make sure that if you reply to this thread of offer me a trade that I will respond in a timely manner