Topic: H: FOIL KHANS FETCHES, other KtK cards, Legacy W: FOIL UB/UW Fetch

Ran out of space on the title. Throughout my packs of Khans I have opened foil Windswept Heath, Wooded Foothills, and Bloodstained Mire. I also have some other random notables like Sarkhan, a few of the other Khans, and plenty of staples (Seige Rhino, Butcher of the Horde) that I haven't listed on my profile yet. In addition, I have the rest of my tradelist that has plenty of foils and Legacy cards.

I am looking for playsets of foil Polluted Delta and Flooded Strand and the majority of my tradelist is available to go towards those. I also have nonfoils that I can send back if needed. I will be out of town this weekend so I will have very little time to constantly be online this week but I will try to make sure that if you reply to this thread of offer me a trade that I will respond in a timely manner

Re: H: FOIL KHANS FETCHES, other KtK cards, Legacy W: FOIL UB/UW Fetch

Shameless bump. I have just gotten back to my hotel room to converse with people who have sent me trades. By tomorrow night I should be home and should have my tradelist updated with all the Khans cards I have for trade

Re: H: FOIL KHANS FETCHES, other KtK cards, Legacy W: FOIL UB/UW Fetch

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