Sooo.  I’ve got an unlimited underground sea, and an original Jace.  I’m not sure if I’m willing to trade them though, would you be willing to pay the premium on them?  I realize their is a price difference between them and what you are looking to trade for

One dude on that reddit thread makes a joke about the elder dragon legends...

...before chronicles, you couldnt trade a black lotus for a nicol bolas straight up.  Even though the lotus was 300ish and the bolas was...I think somewhere around 50-75 at the time?  The speculation on him was insane.

I traded away a bunch of revised duals to a friend for arabians cards.  Wasn't a good deal for me in the end.  The duals were going for 15 each at the time, so it took quite a few duals to get the value up.

I remember when mirror universe was the highest value legends card...and before that all hallow's eve I think?

Guardian Beast was the highest value arabian card for a long time, then djinn, then library, now bazaar i guess?  I picked up my bazaar as something some dude threw in on a trade because i was trying to grab arabian cards, and it was worthless at the time.  Just something to make me happy and want to do the trade he wanted.

The local gaming store around here used to sell on scrye low.  So one month, candelabra was at 20ish (maybe 22) high and 11 low...which at the time was a massive difference.  The difference usually was only a couple of bucks between high and low.  So I bought the candelabra.  Good deal for me.

I'm not sure if THOSE two particular cards are legit.  I'm not good enough to give you knowledge of a specific card and the ways to know if specific cards are a good card or not.

What I can tell you is that yes, there are German, French and Italian white bordered dual lands from what would be an equivalent of the revised set (though in German and French at least called the Unlimited set...keep in mind with revised edition cards though) with the 1995 date in the corner.

The German Black Bordered version of those cards (called German Limited...but again, consisting of the same cards in the revised set) also have a date in the corner...1994.

In other words...those cards COULD be legit.