(6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Once sabi tried to side with him, the guy acted like he was justified to steal my cards so I tried to give the guy the opportunity to do the right thing by letting him know that if he wanted to keep my cards then I would file a claim, it wasnt a threat in my eyes, it was a repercussion that would follow depending on his actions.


(6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I agree with with both of you to a point smile Im sorry I failed to also state that at one point I was going by sebis rules and accepted that I would lose half of my cards but I was going to file a mail fraud as well so other good people dont get screwed by this guy but to sebi it didnt matter


(6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

sebastian is the owner of deckbox and he is a one-man operation.
i have 100% positive feedback with over 80 trades on here and i ran into a problem,
I was actively doing a trade with someone and we were supposed to simul-send. I go to the post office everyday so I was waiting for the other guy to send me a tracking number so I can ship same day. the guy sent me a tracking number so I shipped my package. after a couple days my package arrived with no issues so I checked the status of his on usps.com. it showed that the tracking number he sent me was self generated at home but the package was never received by the post office. after 3 weeks of waiting and talking to the guy I asked for my cards back and he saw that deckbox rules says if he used tracking then he gets to keep my cards and I get nothing so he opened a dispute. sebastian trying to be a mediator says that the guy is correct and that since he used tracking he gets to keep my cards and I get nothing without even reading the details. after I explained that he generated a tracking number from home at paypal.com but never delivered the package to the post office sebastion then decided to say that I should lose half of my cards instead of all of them even though I did everything I was supposed to do. I decided to tell him how unfair this is and that if my package got lost in the mail I would send all of the other guys cards back because its the right thing to do, in fact one of my packages did get lost in the mail to someone else and I did send back all their cards and I showed the proof to him. sebastian didn't care and demanded I forfeit half my cards so I decided to talk to the original trader and convince him that he should return all my cards or I will file a mail fraud claim. sebastian didn't like that so he suspended me lol. now after numerous messages I've received from my trade partners from the past wondering why I'm suspended because I'm such a nice guy and forwarding those to sebastion he is ignoring them and not lifting the suspension. so the moral of this forum is that if you want to either steal all of someones cards or at least half of them you will be backed up by deckbox to insure you can get away with it by just generating a tracking number at home and not mailing anything out.