(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Looking to build a semi-budget ($150 max) deck to play in casual games.

The goal of this deck is to get as much value from Defiant Bloodlord and Sanguine Bond while also gaining a lot of life

Link: https://deckbox.org/sets/1247061

What could I change to make this better?


(5 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

First deck I made myself. Can I get some thoughts on how to make this better, or how a UBW deck would even work?

4 Darksteel Citadel
4 Dismal Backwater
4 Island
3 Plains
1 Radiant Fountain
4 Scoured Barrens
3 Swamp
4 Tranquil Cove
4 Ornithopter
2 Erase
4 Mardu Hateblade
2 Curse of the Swine
4 Ensoul Artifact
1 Singing Bell Strike
2 Cancel
2 Divination
1 Ephara's Enlightenment
4 Jorubai Murk Lurker
1 Master of the Feast
2 Monastery Flock
2 Solemn Offering
2 Wall of Frost
2 Congregate
2 Divine Verdict
2 Indulgent Tormentor
1 Mahamoti Djinn
1 Ob Nixilis, Unshackled
2 Scuttling Doom Engine