I think it's valued at around $14-15.  My wishlist isn't up to date so let met me know if you're interested and I'll look through your tradelist.  Thanks!

I'm not interested in the cards but I would just like to say that your username is the best ever.  Well done, sir.

Sorry I need to update my wishlist...haven't gotten around to it.  I'm more interested in cards that won't be rotating out at the moment.  Just looking through your tradelist...how do you feel about 2 Terminus and a Devastation Tide for both promos?

Bump to the top.  Both are still available if anyone is interested.

I should say that I'm willing to negotiate on the values of these cards if you have cards that I'm interested in.

I'm interested in trading both Game Day promos.  I'm valuing the Latch Seeker at $3 and the Killing Wave at $8.  Let me know if you're interested and I'll take a look at your trade list.  Thanks!


(10 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

This is also happening when I try to update the status of my trades.


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Got it.  Thanks!


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'm probably missing something but I see no way to add cards to my inventory.  I've tried looking on my profile and searching for individual cards / decks and see no way to do this.  Obviously there's a way to do it that I'm missing...can someone help?  Thanks.