Just wanted to bump this again It's still the #1 thing that I'd be so happy to have!
1 2017-01-23 20:05:58
Re: Select specifically non-foil for wants? (8 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
2 2016-07-05 15:39:00
Re: Select specifically non-foil for wants? (8 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Still want to add a strict option for the flags on the trading opportunities page. Just did not get to it, the trading op page & queries need a more sizeable refactoring as they are causing performance problems too. So I kept not finding time for it... but soon (tm)...
Great to hear that is on the radar! It's still a feature that I wish was there every time I go to the trading opportunities page.
3 2016-02-01 04:42:46
Re: Missing printings, card numbers, editions for specific cards (853 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
The GP promo (Stoneforge Mystic) is missing
Yeah it would be great to have this in there!
4 2015-12-06 07:35:14
Re: v4.5: 25% Premium Discount, Bitcoin, Deckbuilding Enhancements (36 replies, posted in Announcements)
Scharfestahl wrote:Cool improvements!
I'd like to make a small suggestion. It would be AWESOME to be able to filter out foils when you search for trade opportunities. It's possible to tag a card in your wantlist as foil, but no way to tag as specifically non-foil. This makes trade matches so frustrating because all the trades with the card you want (but in foil) show up on top, but these are not the trades I'm looking for.
Second this one.
A while ago I had actually made a post about this and there seemed to be a few positive responses.
Hope this can be incorporated in some way. Searching for trades on Deckbox works very nicely, but this would just make it SO much nicer for me, and hopefully for some others as well.
5 2015-12-06 04:17:00
Re: v4.5: 25% Premium Discount, Bitcoin, Deckbuilding Enhancements (36 replies, posted in Announcements)
Cool improvements!
I'd like to make a small suggestion. It would be AWESOME to be able to filter out foils when you search for trade opportunities. It's possible to tag a card in your wantlist as foil, but no way to tag as specifically non-foil. This makes trade matches so frustrating because all the trades with the card you want (but in foil) show up on top, but these are not the trades I'm looking for.
6 2015-08-03 21:13:26
Re: Select specifically non-foil for wants? (8 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
+1. This feature would only be relevant to the wishlist and trade opportunities. Inventory, tradelist, decks etc would not be affected.
Yep exactly this! Would make looking for trades so so much better. Hopefully more people feel the same!
7 2015-08-03 17:03:11
Topic: Select specifically non-foil for wants? (8 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
I was wondering if there is some way I can select that I want only a non-foil version of a card? This has been bugging me ever since I joined this site because whenever I add something to my wantlist, it matches me with people that have foil versions of it. This always messes up my trade matches because of false values which are of no use to me.
For example I want only nonfoils and want card X that costs $5 non-foil and $15 foil. When I go to my trade matches, it shows me someone with card X but as a foil, and it shows as one of my first matches because the value of that foil is $15, and so, higher than a match with someone that has a non-foil. But this foil match is irrelevant to me and is making it harder to find things I want!
Conversely, when I have a foil version of a card and want to trade it, it shows up higher in my trade matches for people that probably only want non-foils too and so makes those matches almost pointless to me. I have to specifically set a filter and look for people that want a foil version only in order to see relevant trades.
Hopefully there is a quick workaround? If not, it would be awesome when you add a card to your wants if you could select "non-foil" in the same way that you select foil. Or leave it blank if you don't have a preference.
8 2015-07-23 03:07:11
Re: Missing printings, card numbers, editions for specific cards (853 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
None of the Magic Origins Clash Pack promos are available to add it would seem. Any chance of getting those put it? Thanks!
9 2015-01-28 22:12:28
Topic: [Legacy] Graveyard, need some help! (0 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
Hey guys!
So I bought a Deathfed event deck to soup it up for casual play with my friends. This is the original list:
http://www.decklists.net/index.php?opti eckId=6104
The way it currently is now is like this:
And it is working ok. But I ended up buying a lot of cards that I wanted to add in there, and thought since I was doing a lot of self milling, I would make it around 72 cards so I don't deck myself. This was my idea:
But after reading that 60 cards was the most optimal for tried and tested mathematical reasons, I tried to rebuild it with 60 cards. It looks like this:
Now my problem is that I'm worried about getting a lot of cards initially that rely on a nonexistant graveyard. So if I draw Splinterfrights, Boneyard Wurms, Bonehoard, Spider Spawnings, they are completely useless.
My idea with this deck was to try and get Brawn and Wonder in the graveyard soon, and then let the graveyard build eventually so my creatures that are */* can do their thing.
Any ideas and suggestions would be welcome!
If there is a better way to post my decklists, let me know and I will edit the post!
10 2015-01-27 17:14:17
Re: Missing option to add Emblem tokens (2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Wow, I can swear it didn't work yesterday! I did type emblem, but got a lot of other results. Now all of them show up! Strange! Must have been some kind of error on my part, but I am able to add both now.
Thanks a bunch!
11 2015-01-27 00:59:10
Topic: Missing option to add Emblem tokens (2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
I was able to add other tokens from the Khans set successfully, but for some reason can't find the Emblem tokens on the site to add to my inventory.
Anyone know why? They are cards 012/013 and 013/013.
12 2015-01-25 17:43:01
Re: H: Random cards (Atarka World Render, Archfiend of Deprav) W: Wishlist (2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Up again!
13 2015-01-23 16:26:56
Re: H: Random cards (Atarka World Render, Archfiend of Deprav) W: Wishlist (2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
14 2015-01-20 04:11:20
Topic: H: Random cards (Atarka World Render, Archfiend of Deprav) W: Wishlist (2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Hey everyone!
Sort of new to playing MTG, as well as this board, so please bear with me!
I'm happy to send first if you have some feedback here, since I have none. Happy to share my 100% feedback links from eBay and other places, just ask!
Since these are all low value cards, to keep trades worthwhile, I'll be shipping in penny sleeves+top loader in an envelope. You can definitely do the same.
High wants, in no particular order (newer versions preferred):
2x Avatar of Woe
1x Deathrite Shaman
1x Voice of Resurgence
1x Hornet Nest
3x Birds of Paradise
1x Brawn
1x Sheoldred, Whispering One
2x Beastmaster Ascension
I have a few more super low value cards that I want that can be found on my wishlist.
Have for trade:
1x Atarka, World Render
1x Destructor Dragon
1x Archfiend of Depravity
1x Rancor
1x Jace's Phantasm
1x Council of the Absolute
1x Body Double
2x Killing Wave
1x Champion of Lambholt
1x Future Sight
1x Odric, Master Tactician
I have a whole bunch more in my tradelist (including a bunch from Fate Reforged), but all very low value. Have a look!
Not sure if there is someone that might want or need any of what I have to offer, but if you do please feel free to make an offer! All cards are NM unless otherwise mentioned. I am able to send high resolution photos or scans of cards before we trade. Please feel free to PM me with any questions.
I will gladly trade face to face in NYC.
I only trade within the US.