Yup bring it to FNM if you are confident after testing!
I'd say take it to FNM regardless if you're confident or not. FNM shouldn't be about competitive decks anyway
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Deckbox Forum » Posts by fistyke
Yup bring it to FNM if you are confident after testing!
I'd say take it to FNM regardless if you're confident or not. FNM shouldn't be about competitive decks anyway
Am fost foarte surprins dar reactia generala aici (Anglia) e pozitiva, Wizards vrea ca FNM sa nu fie competitiv. Daca te gandesti, majoritatea cartilor promo au fost f naspa. Mai bine un double sided cool token decat un reverse engineering. Nu prea vor promo-uri ca Aether Hub, Fatal Push etc., pentru ca FNM devine mult prea competitiv. At least, that's what they say
Haha, am dat un search la toate posturile mele si am gasit asta.
Vines nu da Hexproof vines face exact ce zice, dar rezultatul e acelasi in situatua de mai sus
Dar daca oponentul meu vrea sa echipeze Cranial Plating pe ornithopter si eu dau vines pe creatura lui, creatura nu mai e target legal pt Plating
Plus Fragmentize, Grasp of Darkness, Harnessed Lightning (pt ca vei avea mai mult de 3 energy counters), si costa 4, nu 2, si nu are block trigger ca Looter Scooter. Nu e nici pe departe asa o aberatie ca Smuggler's Copter.
this exists:
T1: Arid Mesa
Steppe Lynx
T2: Wooded Foothills
Hidden Herbalists
Hidden Herbalists
Burning-Tree Emissary
Burning-Tree Emissary
Reckless Bushwhacker
T3: Atarka's Command
De cate ori crezi ca ai un opening hand ca asta din 100 de meciuri?
juzer wrote:
Dead Ringers
you win the game if you can explain the wording in 2 seconds to the opponentMi-a luat o țâră, da' crecă am dibuit-o: ca să distrugi cele două creaturi ele trebuie să nu fie negre, să fie de aceeași culoare și să nu aibă vreuna din ele o altă culoare. Jeez. Am nimerit-o?
Nota 10
What in hell's name where You playing dude?
benczi wrote:Had this card played against me last weekend, I was playing black creatures though, too bad for my opponent.
Some sort of cube is the only thing I can think of
Daca nu ati rezervat inca hotel, tournament center are un deal cu Hotel Duo (****) (30 minute distanta de la hotel pe jos, nu mi se pare dezastru). Click pe link
https://tournamentcenter.eu/en/magic-ga e-prague-0
sectia travel info. Veti vedea oferte care par mai ieftine, but trust me, you want to enter the code and just go with that.
Hmm,.. ebay?
Ok, fine, you convinced me, see you all there
Eu nu stiu de ce atata agitatie.
1. Do you play in Duel Commander tournaments? No. Set up house rules and enjoy the game. Tadaaaaaa!
Ok, let's crank things up a bit
Rarres wrote:nightride wrote:is this MTG: NFS edition?
Vehicle?! VEHICLE?!?!? Jeeeeeeez!
in before drifting becomes a game mechanic...
Curving out vehicles in Kaladesh limited is drifting right?
Subject says it all. Are cineva?
Kitchen Finks in Cutia Milei? That's generous
My suggestion if you want to introduce Magic to new players is to pick a location that is not the club (universities come to mind, but you can do it anywhere where you would expect a lot of people - big shopping centers for instance) and hold a Demo day. Anyone who is interested, show them how the game is played, give them a beginner's deck, give out a DCI number and enroll them in a Magic league event. For people who are new to Magic, 2HG may not be the best way to introduce Magic, because it has additional rules. I spoke to a WPN representative here in UK, and it's a perfectly legit way of reporting Magic activity.
Just my $0.02
Edit: if you have DCI cards, yhou can hand those out and use those numbers to enter the players in the event, and it will be valid even if they don't activate the DCI number later.
'Sunt mare, mare, mare, mare faraooooon
Mare faraoooon, ca Tutankhamooon'
Palma peste fata cine stie de unde-s versurile
Jees, that's a big U-turn from Pink Floyd
fistyke wrote:Without google: that sounds like Pink Floyd to me
Îmi pare rău, dle. Istvan, palma peste buci s-a dat deja. Better luck next time, maybe?
Nici nu mi-am dat seama decat dupa ce-am vazut raspunsul corect. Nu stiam versurile, dar am zis: there's no way this is not Pink Floyd puncte de onoare ?
Without google: that sounds like Pink Floyd to me
Ok, here's a funny one for gamers:
[...] Serios acuma...
Ei, acum decide: serios sau nu?
how to print money:
http://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/ar 2016-02-15
I can't believe players still fall for this kind of shit. Meaning: some (many) of them will actually believe that this can get them into Legacy
Speaking of the ban: eu chiar nu am nimic impotriva (desi e evident cauza banului). Am citit undeva un comentariu la un articol, tipul zicea: "I would ban anything that enables infinite of anything. If you win a game of Magic, win it by actually doing it." Nu e o idee rea
TehAuthor wrote:Spreading seas nu ajuta cand turn 1 ai 3 Eldrazi mimic pe masa
si e prea tarziu pentru "errata" de "this cannot reduce the casting cost below 1"
Nu ca e prea tarziu, dar wizards nu schimba cartile chiar asa de drastic. Un ban e mai simplu. Sunt schimbari functionale, dar mult mai mici, si in general se fac pentru carti mai vechi (mult mai vechi). N-o sa vedem un errata pt eldrazi temple de acest gen ever.
Deckbox Forum » Posts by fistyke