(1 replies, posted in Columbus Casual Magic)

Same goes for me. Feel free to peruse my inventory http://deckbox.org/sets/82652, any commons (or uncommons, more or less) over 4 are free to any who want them.

Hey thanks, I didn't know about that option!

I think the "Cards I own/Cards I don't Own" filter would still be valuable.

When viewing another user's inventory, these new filter options would be immensely useful.

[] Cards I own
[] Cards I don't own
[] Cards in my Wishlist
[] Cards in my Tradelist

It would be nice for these filters to be available for all other users' inventories when logged in, but I could see restricting it to confirmed Friends' inventories only. Since most or all users use the "Inventory" feature but not necessarily the "Tradelist/Wishlist" features, this could help a lot.



(0 replies, posted in Columbus Casual Magic)

Sebi has been kind enough to set up a subforum for our community. We can use this to discuss anything and everything Magic-related, outside of the often hard-to-track confines of an email chain. Enjoy!


I have an Innistrad midnight release event planned for tonight, and it just cycled out because my group is in the Eastern Time Zone. Can event times either include a time zone option or calculate automatically based upon group location?

Thirded, this would be absolutely wonderful.


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Thank you! smile


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Would it be possible to add the ability to mark events private so that they don't appear on the Community Calendar to non-members? It's hard to put the address for a magic party at someone's house if it will show up to everyone on the site.


(0 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I think there is value in going to each of your individual cards and adding Edition, Foil/Promo, Language and Card Condition details, but when these details are similar or identical for many cards it is extremely tedious to fill out. Some suggestions

- Option in preferences to set desired Language/Condition default for all cards. After setting the default, user is given the option to automatically apply that Language/Condition to all cards which currently have blank info.

- Option in preferences to autoset Edition for reprinted cards to "Most Recent Edition" or "Oldest Edition". I think in most folks cases the majority of their cards, even reprints, will be from the Most Recent Edition, and it is easier to update a small group of existing cards where this isn't the case than to update every card in your collection.

- Cards which at the time of load are only present in one edition (not a reprint) should have their edition set automatically.

- If possible, Foil status should influence the displayed card cost on TCGPlayer. In the case of multiple card copies I'd think the Foil cost could be a separate column, in parentheses, or override the normal cost.
