Topic: Edit Card Improvements

I think there is value in going to each of your individual cards and adding Edition, Foil/Promo, Language and Card Condition details, but when these details are similar or identical for many cards it is extremely tedious to fill out. Some suggestions

- Option in preferences to set desired Language/Condition default for all cards. After setting the default, user is given the option to automatically apply that Language/Condition to all cards which currently have blank info.

- Option in preferences to autoset Edition for reprinted cards to "Most Recent Edition" or "Oldest Edition". I think in most folks cases the majority of their cards, even reprints, will be from the Most Recent Edition, and it is easier to update a small group of existing cards where this isn't the case than to update every card in your collection.

- Cards which at the time of load are only present in one edition (not a reprint) should have their edition set automatically.

- If possible, Foil status should influence the displayed card cost on TCGPlayer. In the case of multiple card copies I'd think the Foil cost could be a separate column, in parentheses, or override the normal cost.
