(6 replies, posted in Canadian Traders)


Just a little improvement I would like to see.  Could the trading opportunities lists (both on the profile and when looking at a specific card) only show those people who you would trade with?  It's a little frustrating to be hunting for a good trade and have to sift through a dozen pages of people who live all over the world, when I can only afford to trade in my country.

While on the subject of trading opportunities, I wonder if it wouldn't be possible to allow sorting by "Can Give"as opposed to by "Can Get"?  I have a long wish list, but few people want what I have stocked up, so it would be easier for me to find realistic trade opportunities from the other direction.


(6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I found the opportunities widget very handy, I admit there were improvements to be made, like showing how many cards they needed from you as well.  I understand the reasoning that it was quite slow for those with over large trade/wishlists, and so slowed down loading the main profile page, and so it was inconvenient.  I also understand that there is work being done on an entirely new version, but perhaps, for those of us with shorter lists, could you not put it in a page of its own, or perhaps make it disable-able.  I really miss it as a handy tool to find people to trade with.

I really think the column on the inventory screen showing how many of that card are in use between all my decks would be VERY useful.  With the size inventories can reach, and the number of decks I'll wind up building it'll be very useful to know how many of what I have left.  Especially in regards to land.  I realize this makes me odd, but I don't like to re-use the same card across multiple decks if I can avoid it, so knowing what's still available would save me a ton of time.