(5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Now that I think about it more.  A trade area to trade with a nonuser but add both sides yourself(but is actually trading with yourself - removing cards on one side and adding on the other).  This would be really cool if you could add a name note with small history....say local trade with Chris or John or Steve or ETC.  Also, this could be used for when you win packs and update and inventory(trade with FNM) as a lets says $5.00 buyin on one side and add the cards you win on the other.  I used to be a online poker player and tracking your win/losses would tell you if FNM, SCG, or Modern night is better return just for your personal information.

Thanks for looking at the idea Sebi - if it is able to be done and help draw more people to the site that would be awesome.  An internet program or an app like that would be a good draw for deckbox.


(5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

People at my LGS have started using deckbox for inputting decks they have and mish mash inventory's at my suggestion(not many have been trading online).  But I think a tool like this would lead more people to using Deckbox.  At my LGS they know I just check if I have something by clicking search for cards.  BUT, if I could search, trade, then show my inventory was updated I think more people would be apt to use Deckbox for it's convenience and oddly enough building their inventory to boot.

Otherwise I think the site is great!  About to start trying to sell some old revised dual land cards I have not put in my inventory for the first time.


(5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I was thinking of a way to improve the site.  If the site had an area to do a "mock" trade for local trading it would probably be what leads me towards subscription.

Much like the apps on your phone that list TCG/SCG prices in trade but in subscription only area?  Then if you hit completed trade it updates your inventory(I dislike more and more coming home and updating my traded cards but carry my tablet with me at the local game shop).  Could even have a history so you could list your local trades with friends.

This may exist I do not know.


(1 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)

Hey, I am fairly new at this Deckbox.  I cannot figure out how to add my full art lands for BFZ(I have foils I want to potentially trade).  Thanks for any information on how to do this.

I have tried to search by lands, card description, and number but I cannot figure it out.
