Title says it all, if this interests you hit me up


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I'm building a tribal cleric edh deck and need a few more cards...preferably foil but will entertain offers for non foils, still needed are...

Skirsdag flayer (foil only)
Disciple of griselbrand (foil only)
Hanweir militia captain
Eight and a half tails
Emeria, the sky ruin
True conviction
Banisher priest
Frontline medic
Mikaeus, the lunarch
Order of whiteclay
Martyrs bond
Withered wretch
Ayli, eternal pilgrim
Rotlung reanimator


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

How much in trade are you asking for it?


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

You have a bunch of stuff of various value I could be interested in, take a look at my stuff and start up a trade if you see anything.


Just opened a box of conspiracy and ftv lore, take a look and let me know if we can make some deals

Still seeking a foil grim flayer and now an ftv dark depths...

Updated wishlist with a bunch of lower value things and some decent value things that I'm looking for to build 2 new edh decks. It's mostly a collection of garbage lol. Hit me up with offers if you have any of it. Thanks

Back from vacation bump


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I for sure have a caged sun, lancers and Hedron archive for trade. Interested in your enlightened tutor and possibly martyrs bond. Start a trade if you're interested.


(2 replies, posted in Foil Traders)

I have like 3 foil full art swamps, 1 is OG zen block, not sure of the set #'s. I also may have a foil lash write, I'd have to double check on that.


(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have the following
Privileged Position
Flooded grove
Grand abolisher
Swords to plowshares
Kodama's Reach
Dueling grounds (maybe)
Yavimaya coast
Temple of mystery

Really looking for a foil grim flayer at the moment to finish off a foiled out edh deck. Always looking for other wishlist stuff and other neat foils that can be used for edh. Take a look at my stuff and hit me up with a trade if you see anything you're interested in, I'll be glad to look at lists.

I would keep necropotence and put in reliquary tower to pair with Kozilek the great distortion, you could also think about running Rix manado guildmage and a few other creatures that can deal damage/ cause life loss without having to attack and maybe serve a decent role in late game also card draw is never bad, as for fatties you're gonna want to use big colorless guys aka eldrazi, while the new ones are good the old ones are better because of annhilator, just depends on how douchey you want to be, if you don't want to use the old eldrazi you can use max value guys, you have lord of the void and Balefire dragon already, but options like dragon mage, Dragonlord kolaghan, Geth lord of the vault, havoc demon, hellkite tyrant, rune scarred demon, scourge of the throne, tsabo tavov and soul of new phyrexian come immediately to mind, also having some modifiable board wipes like black Suns zenith, toxic deluge, starstorm and comet storm are something to think about cause they won't automatically wipe your own fatties


(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Which Thalia art is the playmat?


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Like in desperate need of a foil emrakul the promised end for edh. If you have one hit me up if you see anything from my stuff. Thanks a lot


(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I took a look at your stuff and could be interested in your foil elder deep fiend if you want to take a look at my stuff and see if we could make a deal.

Yea man just open up a trade when you get a chance and we can definately work something out for a playmat

What playmate do you have? I'm in the market for a new one seeing as I lost mine

I have an eternal witness, garruk primal hunter, hornet queen, Strionic resonator, viscera seer, FOIL Deadbridge chant, kruphix, cyclonic rift, FOIL Corel of the hull clad, PROMO wood elves, plasm capture, skull sifter, disciple of bolas, FOIL prerelease smothering abomination, Farhaven elf and possibly a fleshbag marauder and merciless executioner, not sure if you're interested in the foils or not and most of these aren't listed on my trade list, let me know if you're interested


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

So I need the following cards and would prefer to have the foil versions and would like to get as many as possible in one trade:

Phyrexian juggernaut
Rot wolf
Tangle angler
Neurok invisomancer
Spawning pit
Pristine talisman (new phyrexia version preferred)
Ulamogs crusher (MMA version preferred)
Chainer, dementia master (the one exception)

And, as always, looking for anything on my wishlist and other neat things!


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)



(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have a foil gsz and foil mom from ema and a couple of the uncommons, I'd have to double check which ones, hit me up if you're interested in the foils.


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I'm interested in the foil Counterspell and possibly the harmonize. Take a look at my stuff and let me know I you see anything.


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Really looking to pick up some of my wishlist items, they range from pretty pricey to damn near worthless lol. Take a look and hit me up with some offers. Always willing to look through lists as well. Thanks all.