Looking for a revised bayou. not picky on condition. For trade I have a set of EMA FoWs, Noble Hierarch, Back to Basics, Polluted Deltas and more. Let me know what you need to make it work.

Would also be interested in 2 dark depths, but top priority goes to the bayou.


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

looking for the rest of my pieces for foil infect.
I have a few eternal masters things, valakut bits, among other things for trade.
Also have non-foil infect pieces I can trade back as long as its towards foil counter parts.


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Looking for a few eldrazi peices, matter reshapers, reality smashers, thought knots, worldbreakers, whatever. Not particularly picky.

Still looking for a 2 pendlehavens, a breeding pool and 2 git probes

Looking for 2 Pendelhavens (matching editions. Legends/Time shifted preferred), 2 Breeding pools and a playset of git probes. Also some of the other smaller common peices of infect. (mutagenics, 3 ZEN vines ect ect)

Let me know if we can work something out


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I'd be interested in working something out for most of what you got. Let me know what we can do.

Interested in the mutavaults and Oboro. I have a Voice, should be able to work something out.


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have a voice for trade.

See if we can work something out for a scapeshift?


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Sure thing lmk.


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

If possible, I could swap a snap for crucible of worlds?

Would you be interested in possibly selling the playmat?

Still looking for 2 more snapcasters. Plenty of good stuff.

I have a decent amount of stuff from your wishlist, interested in alot of what you have. Maybe we can work something out?


I have almost all of affinity minus Opals, and 2 glimmervoids. Also some other odds and ends.

Looking for a couple cryptics and a V. Clique but main priority is Snappys.