As many of you know it is fast approaching, noo not tax season, New core set, M11. Just out of curiosity I was wondering how many of you are having a booster draft, for the 10th. Im sooo excited I  hope I pull a mythic foily. well my rant is over. besides telling me about the booster draft, I wouldnt know how someone might reply to the rest:D


(3 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I am excited. One Block drops another set takes its place. Hooray m11 lol


(16 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I like the Chandra's Outrage, It is pretty cool. I love dealing direct damage and it also damages a creature. I just wish the damage #'s were reversed


(2 replies, posted in World of Warcraft)

I don't know I cant stand WoW, or any other MMO, but I also used to give my friend crap for playing magic, but I was way wrong about [mtg][/mtg] so there you go, I wont try it till its about 20 yrs old. big_smile sorry if I offended anyone I just like to rant