The Battlebond printing of Midnight Guard isn't listed as valid in Pioneer, even though it was printed in M15.

Edit: This appears to be happening with other cards printed in supplemental sets that had a printing in M15, such as Eternal Thirst (IMA), and cards that were most recently printed in M15 like Black Cat.


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Format, with the card legality display, not variant tagging?


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

How about Pauper, since it's officially coming to paper?

Hi, I have one QoL improvement that would be really nice for a large scale collector like myself.

The problem: It's tricky to know which planeswalker emblem you're adding to your collection before you click it. Some planeswalkers have more emblems than fit in the autocomplete dropdown. The physical card doesn't distinguish which specific titled variant of the walker it is. For example, one M19 emblem says "Emblem - Ajani". Ok, which one though? The dropdown has emblems for a bunch of Ajanis, which are all specified as the full named walker. But I don't know which one this emblem is for offhand. So I have to search the card database, find the right one, click its detail page, hit Edit there, hit +, and save that change, just to add one card to my inventory.

Proposed solution: It would be helpful when adding tokens and emblems from a box of opened packs, if there was some sort of breadcrumbs inline with the card titles (such as truncated rules text or a set code) and/or if the currently selected default set would always be at the top of the autocomplete list. I know this deviates from the data you probably pull from Gatherer, but it's a significant QoL improvement when you finally get around to entering a stack of tokens & emblems that's been sitting around because you're dreading the guessing and searches it'll take to enter them.

Thanks for reading. I appreciate the hard work that goes into this site!

Really nice work on the legality info display!


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Can you move a subfolder up to the top level?

+ Top A
+ Top B
+ Top C
++ Sub A
++ Sub B
++ Top D oops
+ Top E
++ Sub C
+ Top F

For example, I don't want Top D to be a subfolder in this list. I'd want to move Top D up a level in the hierarchy. How do you do that?

We both agree that tags are a more elegant solution. How about this then, I'll propose this idea:

You could have two types of tags, Storage and List. A user can define a tag and it appears in the tree on the left with the decks and can be put into the folders with Decks. The tag has properties like Type, Privacy and Label. Maybe color-code cyan/orange based on type, so most colorblind people can still differentiate them. Tags would not need a "quantity" field associated with them, that seems like a function for a Deck.

In most card tables you would need a column and/or View type to show which Storage-type tags are associated with that card.  In normal view, there could be a Number of Storage Tags column next to the inventory counts, so the user could know to click a card and find out which trade binder or storage box it's in. An Edit button would be useful here. In Storage view, the cards could be separated into different tables by storage tags, with multi-tagged cards appearing in all associated tables.

If a tag was clicked, you would go to a view similar to the current Deck view, where see a table and you can add and remove cards from that tag. That's one way you could add cards to a tag without putting them in your inventory. You would also be able to click Edit in other views and add them to a tag. The Actions when you select cards in inventory/full DB views would let you add them to your tags just like you do with decks.

Thoughts worth pursuing maybe? I'm as interested in the ideal design as you are, since I'd be using it. But I work on software, so I also know shelving an idea until you have the perfect version of it means that it never happens. I'd be happy with something that covers the bases even if it's a little clunky at first.

I have a lot of uses for lists other than cards I own/want to own/expect to receive/have in a binder. I'm also putting together lists of cards that make up various archetypes, or do various things, that my friends and I can use for researching before we brew. For example, I have all the banlists as "Decks" and have been researching mana fixing options as "Decks" and both of those should be "Lists" instead.

So to that end, having a list is more immediately useful than a tagging system unless you can tag cards which aren't in your inventory, and have your own personal tags appear inline and be organized in folders in the tree on the left. It seems like the infrastructure may already be present to add a new type of Deck so I figured I'd ask about that. Tags definitely seem like an elegant solution code-wise but the user experience design has to be good to support it. Maybe both ideas have their place here.

I like to make lists of cards. Lists of interesting cards, lists of what cards are in which trade binder, lists of what I'm expecting in a shipment, folders of folders of lists. You know the deal. If you don't, come see what I'm talking about in my Encyclopedia folder.

It would be cool if deckbox offered a generic "List" deck type in addition to the already existing "Deck Idea" and "Built Deck" types. How's that sound?

Cards in such a List should not count in the "# used in all decks" count shown on inventory/card screens, though the individual Lists they are in would still appear on the left in the card detail view. Lists should not affect trade in any way, since that's just a list, not a real or proposed deck.

Power users would really appreciate this!

What about people like me, who can't use PayPal for one reason or another?


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Can you post back if it works?

If it works, that's how I'll pay for mine too! My Paypal is all messed up.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I have one of these promo Plains from the Dragon's Maze prerelease:

How would I enter this into Deckbox accurately?


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Desolation Twin (BFZ) and Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger (BFZ) have a cost of 10 colorless mana. While they sort properly, what Deckbox shows in the cost column is odd. It looks like 1 colorless plus 0 colorless as displayed, in other words the digits 1 and 0 are separated out into their own bubbles. It would look much, much better if those cards had the 10-colorless graphic like Aladdin's Lamp (Revised). It's not a problem with all recent two-digit costs, since It That Betrays (ZvE duel deck) has a 12-colorless bubble.